Hello, hopefully this letter finds you in a better place in your life than I am in mine. My situation starts with moving into my new apartment… (well a temporary one, as twice, in a 3 week period, management gave my reserved apartment to someone else). So they stuck me in an apartment full of multiple health code violations, gunshots every night from the parking lot, and over half of the appliances were nonfunctional.
I tried repeatedly to get ahold of management because I couldn’t get my car to register on the towing company ‘s website. I sent over 76 emails trying to get information, help, or a resolution to something, and was ignored 80% of the time.
After almost a month in the disgusting temporary unit, they finally had my permanent unit ready.
A week after moving myself over there, my car was towed on a Friday night and I discovered it when coming out of my apartment to leave for work. I had to call a Lyft to get to work. It cost me $300 to get my car out that afternoon, plus Uber fees to work and to the towing lot.
I called the towing company on my way home to make sure they had all documentation and paperwork they needed to not tow my car from in front of my apartment again, and kept the lady on the phone to make sure she had all my documentation.
3 weeks later they towed my car again saying they had emailed me 2 more documents a week later that I didn’t respond too, so they towed my car again, though this time, they pierced my gas tank while loading my car.
So I had to pay another $300 to get my car out and then $1600+ to buy a new gas tank to have installed.
When I confronted them and asked about reimbursement, they just said claim denied. I was again unable to get any correspondence from management over either incident, and found out from some current and former residents that the towing company repeatedly does the same thing when people first move in, and probably has a kickback deal with office management. Fast forward a month, and I found out I have a terminal illness, but can’t really stop working because I don’t have any savings as I went through most of it when they closed my place of business during Covid.
I applied to several places for rental assistance, and though most organizations are out of funding, one said they could help me and so I got started with the forms and paperwork.
I had to have certain documents from my landlord, and again, it was almost impossible to get what I needed. I was eventually dropped by the organization which was going to help, because even they couldn’t get the property managers to respond to repeated emails and phone calls needing documentation.
I tried starting the Verification process over last week, because they fired the old apartment managers and got all new ones, but still couldn’t get the new ones to answer most requests, and now am being evicted. An eviction will make it almost impossible to be able to rent somewhere else. I guess I could live in my car for awhile, but I can’t leave my 4 year old puppy in it while I continue to try and work, so I’m kinda at a loss with very few options. I’m $4500 behind in my rent and being evicted tomorrow or Tuesday unless I can pay the landlord and get it cancelled.
I know there is a lot to this particular request, but it’s kinda been an avalanche for all these things to happen to me seemingly at once.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, though I may have run out of time all together. Whatever I can collect I plan to give to my apartments so I at least won’t have as large of a debt to try and pay off.
Thanks for your time reading this, and I apologize for the length.