Unfortunately, due to battling chronic BPD, and feeling afraid of my diagnosis and daily symptoms, I recently became homeless after succumbing to losing my flat of 12 years. I was a looked after child under the care of Brent Social Services from the age of 3 years old, because of a stabbing inflicted by my estranged father on my mother on my 3rd birthday. He stabbed her 18 times, and went to prison. My mother, vanished, more or less after being released from hospital and I went into care, although strangely I still had contact with my father, as he threatened to kill my mother if she tried to keep me in her care. He was violent in ways with me, especially if I misbehaved at school and all of this trauma for 30 years lead me to where I am now, with chronic BPD, anxious, homeless and currently living in a shelter which is surrounded by people who suffer from drug and alcohol addiction.
I just wish for a better life and some help from humanity, as well as somewhere to call my own, in addition to getting help for my condition. Right now, I feel totally hopeless and shameful too admittedly for using this website as my last resort.
Honestly speaking and painfully speaking, I haven’t had much in life in the way of people; hardly any family, carers who came and went, which is part of their job, I suppose, and 1 cat I love to death. I know there are people who are blessed to be in positions that can help people like me. I also give to those less fortunate than me whenever I have the means. I just pray someone can do the same for me. I would appreciate it very much. I wouldn’t even ask for any particular amounts, as I hate coming across as ungrateful. Sorry for the long explanation of my circumstances and thank you for all you decide todo to help me make a life for myself and start over.