Hi, We are a family of 3 who need to move out of state, We currently live in Florida, but due to the cost of living, we are unable to remain here. We are asking for $10,000
My husband has been cut back on his hours at work, he is also the sole provider for our household. I do not work, due to our daughter being disabled and I am her caretaker. our rent has increased from $858 a month to $1716.00 a month. We DO NOT qualify for assistance since my husband has made too much money in the past 3 months.
We are moving to Arkansas, where we have friends who are willing to help my husband get a job there and help us find a home. We will need to stay in a hotel until we find a home. We will need to rent a Uhaul as well for our belongings. Gas money and travel expenses. Once we get there, we will need a deposit, first, and last, and cleaning fees as well for the home.
With the money we receive, we will use it to get us moved to where we can become stable in work and be able to maintain our home and the bills associated with it. We will be able to buy food and pay for our electricity, phone, water, and sewer. Our daughter will be able to get all her medical care re-established once we are there as well.
our daughter was born with Kartagners Syndrome with Cilinary Dyskensia, Sidius Inverses with Dexa Cardia. In Lamen’s terms, she was born with all her organs reversed, her cilia hairs in her lungs, ears, etc do not work, her heart is reversed to the right side and her lungs are on opposite sides as well she is a mirror image of us on the inside. She is also legally blind and needs a cane and will be applying to get a seeing guide dog as well. We need housing that will be suitable for her to live in, which means no mold, etc.
We only need help this one time in our lives, and we appreciate it very much.
I truly appreciate you taking the time to read this and donating to us, so we can make a positive change to our lives and for the benefit of our daughter.
donations can be made to my Paypal