First of all let me say how grateful I am to be here. I had no idea that a site like this existed and when I am back on my feet I will be helping those in need. I have had a very rough year. I have been in an abusive relationship which ended with my wife breaking two wine bottles over my head. I left immediately and I haven’t looked back. My employer after 20 years of loyal service fired me after an incident where they failed to train me. At 58 years old I decided to go back to school to become a barber and I only have 3 months of training left. I am really loving it and I am getting really good. I am unemployed and my unemployment check is not enough to cover my monthly rent. I have exhausted all of my savings and I do not know what to do next. I happened to find this site on accident and I am praying that there are people who can help me. I am a huge believer in charity as I like to give to those in need but now I am the one who is in need. I pray that someone out there who is blessed and has a big heart please help me. Anything will help. Again, I am grateful that this site exists and I hope I have an angel or a few angels that will help me. Thank you for reading this and may God bless you.