I’ve always considered myself quite savvy and intelligent. Thinking nobody could easily pull the wool over my eyes. Regrettably they have and in the most calculated spectacular fashion. Unfairly also using their 3 children as part of the evil and dreadfully cruel manipulation.
During the latter part of 2021, my housemate arranged for a builder to quote for refurbishment work on a villa I’d purchased with my inheritance. After meeting Daniel, we were both more than happy he was the perfect guy. A very friendly, no nonsense approach and straight talking handyman who explained everything along the way. He had a lovely wife and a young family too and soon we all became good friends.
Initially, all was happy in camp and the work was progressing rather well. Admittedly as time went by, further necessary work needed became apparent. But after a full explanation being validated by Daniel, I agreed with his recommendation. After all, this was the last property I wanted to live in until my progressive lung disease finally claimed my life. Retiring to a sunnier climate with much better air quality had to be what the good doctor ordered for sure. Plus physically, I could tell my body was already really starting to feel the benefits.
Daniel and my housemate then appeared to be developing a rather different relationship than before. Any interaction between them was now terribly giggly, somewhat secretive and sometimes openly extremely flirtatious too. To be honest, I had my concerns because I didn’t want this to be disruptive to the work. But in reality, I was becoming very concerned how this would develop and what effect it could have on his family. Then out the blue, I was clearly made aware by Daniel one day, that my housemate was eagerly engaging in conversations with a few local men on Tinder while spending hours of time up in her room.
Progressively and quite rapidly, things then went out of control. Emily had developed an all consuming obsession with Daniel. Texting him excessively all through the day and also the night. The time was of no consequence and could be at any hour. Plus a lot of her messages were quite sexual and very graphic too. I only know this, as Daniel decided to share some of them with me in confidence. Her relationship with me turned somewhat sour and she also started to show worrying aggression in my direction too.
Then the bomb went off. After returning from a trip out together in his car. There was clearly a bad atmosphere between Emily and Daniel. Later I’d discover she’d made unwanted sexual advances towards him and he’d rebuffed her. This wasn’t really surprising to me as I felt he’d encouraged it with the outrageous flirting between them. By now, his wife was aware of all the text conversations and the whole situation was a real mess. Emily’s focus needed to be distracted and that had to happen fast to benefit everyone.
Shortly after this, she met a Nigerian guy called Santos off Tinder. A relationship developed but her infatuation with Daniel didn’t subside. The excessive text messages persisted and she turned very volatile towards me. Daniel and his wife Vanessa, expressed concern over my welfare and Emily’s intentions towards me. The stress of everything had created a flare up in my lung condition as well and I hadn’t felt well for weeks on end. It was suggested I move to another villa Daniel had bought as a fixer upper. This would give me time to recover and alleviate any threat towards me. So I did agree to the idea and moved out for a few weeks.
During this period, concerns for Emily’s behaviour grew increasingly. It was apparent she’d developed some worrying mental health issues which in my opinion required specialist treatment. Between myself, Daniel and Vanessa we considered it beneficial for her to return to the UK. It was decided that Daniel would discuss this with her and suggest the idea. With quite considerable reluctance and financial incentive she finally agreed.
Unknowingly at the time, this was a calculated and very manipulative plan compiled by Daniel, Vanessa and his other associates. I’d been singled out and targeted by a group of scammers. Emily needed to go because they knew I held all the purse strings. With her out the way, they could gang up on me. This they achieved by having an insider at my bank. Associates of his moved into the villa across the road from me. At house parties, other scammers would put up a great pretence and be exceptionally friendly. Even their parents were in on it. The whole thing was a real family concern, including their kids.
To cut a long story short, I’ve lost everything at the hands of these vile people. My home, all my finances and all my belongings too. I considered them good friends and got to know the family, well in excess of 2 years. So they played the very long game with me. They took me under their wing and made me feel an important and welcome friend. My own family has been broken up as a consequence. I lived alone with my 3 cats and 2 dogs but for quite obvious reasons found myself in considerable debt with my rent. Luckily a friend has given myself and the cats a roof over my head. But my 2 dogs have been in kennels with an extended friend ever since and I miss them dreadfully every single day. I just need the opportunity to rebuild my life and my priority is to have us all living back together once again.
It’s taken a lot for me to do this and ask for assistance from people. I’ve never been in this situation before and it’s exceptionally difficult for me. Having always been so self sufficient and totally independent with savings in the bank. Regretfully, not anymore and being completely broke doesn’t sit comfortably with someone like me. It will take some time and a lot of effort to get back to any sort of normality. But if anyone who’s read my story is prepared to help me then I offer my most humblest and very sincere appreciation to you.
Kindly use the attached link for any exceptionally welcome donations. TIA.