I was caring for my grandparents in their home. During that time I was blessed with two darling grandchildren. They are just one year apart. The oldest is 6 now. My grandfather died, and then seven months later Covid hit, and my grandmother died too. We were forced to move and took the only place that we could find which happened to be right across the street. When we moved in the landlords said they would sell us the house but not the farm. They said I could just get an appraisal and we would go from there. I was thinking the monthly payments would go down if we bought it. We’ve been here four years. The land lords are so strict with everything. Even make us go through monthly inspections. They drive by here many times through out the day and night. Can’t have company park in the driveway etc We love the wild life here. Feeding the animals only to see them killed. They shoot the birds, raccoons, opossums, skunks, deer, and trap the coyotes. Heart breaking! We asked them not to poison the yard and I weeded all the time and they still poisoned. Even along the creek. We put up with so much only because we planned on buying the house. I mentioned that someone had been coming in the house at night hoping for extra security. There was often damages or things missing. I was afraid to complain too much because they had us on a month to month lease. The land lord would say he thought someone must have had a crush on me. One morning I awoke, went to the kitchen, and found the sink was running. and the faucet had been pushed over to the window sill and water had filled the counter top and dripped down the face of some of the cabinets, making some drip marks. They had mentioned the month before that the cabinets seemed a shade darker. Months passed after that. The last inspection she asked me why I washed a curtain in my room. She often has requests or questions about the curtains. This time I told her that the curtains in my room I bought and hers were safely put away. I told her you asked me to run all the ceiling fans for the last two moths since the air wasn’t working and it has caused them to get dusty. When she was leaving she said I should start looking for a place. I said I thought we were buying the place and she said, no she never said that. The news was a shock. Still can’t believe they are doing this. They knew my grandparents we thought of them in the beginning as family friends. I am still looking for a place and or storage units. I didn’t have time to save up for moving fees, hook ups for utilities, truck rental, etc. The six year old has a dental procedure coming up and the anesthesiologist doesn’t accept our insurance, so i have to pay 1,000 out of pocket. My back door to our van wont latch now and the window has been broken out. I have it bunged shut. Also the littlest flushed paper towels down the toilet, and a plumber needs to be called. Hopefully this is bottom and I can only go up from here. I am looking for a farm house for sale or even rent if that’s all I can find fast. I am grateful for any help. www.PayPal.Me@LovesPeace8.com