Thank you for any consideration. We are needing help asap with our electric bill getting ready to get cut off. Here is our story….
We have been married 15 years and together for 19 years. I’m certain all marriages have their ups and downs. Recently, ( earlier this year) I found out my husband was cheating on me with a female coworker. I didn’t know how much cheating, perhaps flirting, lunch dates etc.. I never thought our marriage was horrible and I’ve always thought marriage was worth fighting for. We also have 3 children and I didn’t want to break up a home and have the kids be “ suitcase “ kids. I was raised in church and that divorce is not a good thing. Also divorce is exhausting and to me, can be embarrassing or that it’s a sign of failure. I am definitely not putting anyone down who has divorced. Sometimes it is a necessity especially if abuse. There is no abuse in our situation. Instead of the hard work and the toll divorce takes on your life…. I wanted to put in the hard work to save our marriage. My husband was not receptive at first. Unfortunately, there was some fighting in front of the kids. I prayed a lot for my husband and our marriage. I prayed for months. He slowly came around and then to prove he was serious… he got the girl fired from his work! Even though she is a home wrecker or my husband had fed her lies about the status of our relationship… I didn’t necessarily need her to get fired but of course it always bothered me he would go to work with her there.( as we tried to work on our marriage ).He said it was best for him to do to have us move forward. We do go to counseling now and we are doing much better, woo hoo! I’m pretty certain there was sexual cheating but we are working and healing on that through counseling.
We are still recovering from financial strains that happened when we were going through the rough patches of our marriage. Sad to say my husband was giving her money, when it could of been spent on our family and bills. He also spent money on expensive hobbies to fill the void when he wasn’t happy in our marriage. We are trying to play catch up on many bills. My husband even got a second job but we cannot make ends meet. We are requesting our electric bill be paid before it gets cut off next week. Thank you so much. It is $500.19.
The bill is large because I had set up payment arrangements for the prior electric bill we couldn’t pay. So it’s a current bill in addition to a payment arrangement. We have other bills we are behind on but this is the most urgent. Thank you so much and I am so grateful God answered my prayer to save our marriage and keep our family together.
I’m hoping someone who reads this can help us and believes in marriage restoration. I have so many more details I could share and can do that of how God is restoring our marriage! How I kept fighting for our marriage ( I almost threw in the towel and called it quits). Counseling is helping us. We are getting the spark back! One week we had 4 mini dates! We have to be intentional and put in the effort. God bless! Thank you for considering!
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