While caring for my mom after my fathers death in April/2023 her other 3 children took advantage of her, stealing and driving her insane, taking over her life. I was able to step in and save her from the elder abuse.
For the next over a year my mom recovered and was able to continue on with her life. I was the only child that stayed to help her through this. The others that redid her Will from the hospital abandond her at her time of need. Only to return to financially, emotionally and Elder Abuse her again. That was a fear my dad had when he was alive. I promised my dad when he was sick that I would always watch over my mom and protect her like he did. I miss my dad everyday also.
In May/2024 my mom took a bad fall at her home. She did not use her medical alert to call for help and did not know what it was for when the doctors asked her. She was at the hospital for 3 weeks and was diagnosed with dementia. I was told I would now have to help her out with her care and finances.
When my 3 other siblings went to the hospital and realized she was diagnosed with dementia they told her I had sold her house and kept the money. Her house was not sold. They told her that they should take her to a lawyer while in the hospital to change her Will. They did do that and then right to the bank to get into her bank accounts. I had received a email from the bank saying her email had been changed. I called the bank and froze all her accounts. The teller they took my mom to also called the fraud department. After talking with her financial advisor she escalated it to the legal department.
Her children continued to take her to the bank to get her accounts unfrozen. The bank sent a letter stating her accounts would stay frozen until a judgment order was given to have them reopened.
They hired someone to put the court papers in my mailbox in my yard that we don’t use. They were able to go ahead with the court case and was given POA to my mom with dementia. They had my mom state that I was her acting POA since my dad passed away, which I was not. My mom did all her own banking. When my mom was in the hospital and they had her Will changed they also took over her home and told my mom that I had stold everything from her house.
I’m up against a sister that elderly abuse the man she lived with for years that I also tried to save, and this is her revenge against me. When we received the court papers stating that the case was heard we contacted a lawyer ASAP and he stated that because the case had already been heard and I could not present my evidence that day that shows the neglect from her own children and more, he would have to move fast to have the case heard again. I could have presented all my evidence without a lawyer at the time but now with all the lies that were presented to the judge I now have to prove my innocents for caring for my mom. I am devastated at the fact that people can do this and get away with elder abuse this easy. I talked to a police officer and asked how they can get away with this. His responce was. These criminals have a plan worked out and when the time is right they come in full force and the Innocent are the ones that pay the price left standing wondering what just happened.
Well that is me now and the lawyer I just talked to said they did it to benefit themselves not my mom. My mom is a victim of elder abuse but does not understand because she just repeats what they are telling her. He told me without a lawyer and I had talked to other lawyers. They said my sibling have me where they want me under the eight ball. Without a lawyer I could loss everything I have worked very hard for. The only way I can fight for my mom and myself is to use a lawyer.
Nobody wants to admit that elder abuse can happen or they don’t want to see it. But I need to fight for my mom to protect her as they are her POA’s now. In her AFFIDAVIT she states that her POA’s now will take care of her. The children that abandoned her when she needed them. Now with dementia they can take advantage of her and she will not even know whats going on. My mom and dad worked hard for their money and now it’s in the hands of her children that were never around even when my dad was alive. They have recently sold my moms house and nobody knows where the money went.
I’m not someone that will ever ask for help but I can not afford a lawyer to fight this on my own. I have used up what money I have but I need to carry on for the sake of my mom and myself. I have never been able to talk to my mom since they took her from the hospital to redo her Will. Anyone that my mom talked to before my siblings took over are no longer able to communicate with her or see her. My siblings have isolated her from everyone.
I’m sorry my story is so long but this should not happen to anyone Elder Abuse or any Abuse to anyone.
I want to say in advance that I’m truly Grateful and Thankful for any donations that anyone can help with. This is going to be a long process but when you love someone you don’t give up. That was the promise I made to my dad before he passed away. That I would look after mom. But I don’t think my dad ever thought they would do this to their own mom. But he was worried. He was hoping she would pass before him. They loved each other so much and he was her protector. He asked me to take his place and that is what I am doing. Protecting my 83 year old mom.
Everyday I cry just wondering what my mom is going through.
My own health has been pushed to the limit. I have reached out to others for help. But everyone says they don’t want to get involved with my toxic siblings.
That is why I’m begging for your help. Please help if you can.