I’m Bobby G. a 57 year old male who has always been a generous person. However, the tables have turned and as embarrassed as I am doing this I really don’t have any foreseeable solution to my financial situation anytime soon. I am currently unable to work due to physical(mostly) and mental issues such as depression and anxiety. I’m on medication to help me with that and have been for over 4 years now. Back in 2013 I was diagnosed with eye cancer(Coroidal Melanoma). Yes the big C. That was a painful and crazy ordeal for the next year and a half or so. I am blind in my left eye as the result of the radiation treatments. That didn’t stop me from carrying on a normal life. I went back to work a short time after treatments. I look at it is that’s why we were givin two eyes to begin with. I do have issues with depth perception but I adjust. I also don’t allow it to change my lifestyle.
In 2017 while riding my motorcycle to work early one morning, a car pulled into my path and I couldn’t avoid it. I hit the car at around 40 miles per hour or so. I crushed and broke my pelvis. I broke my wrist and also sustained a knee and back and shoulder injury. I was unable to walk and do anything without requiring assistance for several months. I have plates in my wrist, pelvis and a rod inside of my body that occasionally give me trouble. I’m unable to stand or sit for extended amounts of time. I’m pretty tough so I didn’t allow that to stop me. While going through physical therapy I cam down with Diverticulitis and had to have surgery to remove a portion of my colon. I had to wear an ostomy bag for 6 months. I was approaching a year of being out of work but short term disability kept me afloat. My employer of 10 years contacted me and said if I didn’t return to work by a certain date that they would have to terminate me. Not to worry they said, they would hire me back. I asked them if I would have the same pay rate and they said they didn’t know about that. I agreed to return on the day they instructed and went back to work. I knew I wasn’t 100% but I felt I could handle it. During the course of the next two years I developed six hernias all in my abdominal area. I ended up losing that job after twelve years of going above and beyond my pay rate. I immediately obtained a better job with higher pay. I was blessed I thought. I was having issues with medications that made me temporarily ill and I had to excuse myself to the bathroom in order to vomit practically the same time everyday. I was still having follow up doctor visits and would schedule them around work so I wouldn’t be absent. I’d either come in late or leave early as opposed of taking the day off. After six months they terminated me. I wasn’t to upset because it was an hour drive through Atlanta twice daily and I figured I would use this time to get my hernias and shoulder repaired while pulling from my 401k. Turns out I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and my numbers were out of range to have surgery. I was put on medication, changed my eating habits and tried to do exercise which is mostly only walking due to my conditions. I would get tested every three months to see if I was fit for surgery but my diabetes was still out of control. They changed my medications and after a couple of months I was finally approved for surgery. Surgery to repair six hernias took place last Wednesday March 8th. I am currently recovering. Bad news is due to all the delays I used all my 401k and any savings I had. Still not real worried because things seem to always work out. I did some side gigs by portraying Santa Clause and fell in love with that but as you know that is a seasonal thing. I managed to purchase an easter bunny costume so I can make appearances around the area. I have two gigs scheduled for next month. Hopefully I will be recovered enough to perform. All that being said I have no current income whatsoever and don’t know what to do. That’s what brings me here. I must mention I have applied for disability last year and I haven’t been approved or disapproved. It’s at 86% which means it could still be months before a decision is made and the fiancial responsibilities are still there.