My name is Brian D. and I’ve had a decent life until recently when I moved into this tiny apartment 2 months ago. I happened to meet someone who ended up stealing my car. I called the police, who finally recovered the car, so I got it back and put a retraining order on the man. He also stole my laptop with the car, that I never recovered. Unfortunately, once I got the car back, it was pretty badly damaged. I use this car for a living to drive for Uber and Doordash, so now I have no way to make money. Also, my laptop was a present from my Mother, which I can’t replace. It was my dream for a long time to start an online business, which is the reason my Mom got it for me a few months ago. But, even if I could drive, my living expenses are too much to cover the $1,500 business I want to start to make a real living on my own after all these years of poverty. The business is a certain type of real estate I’ve been preparing for.
So basically, I’m in a complete standstill in my life, mostly from this incident. I can’t start a business, which was my biggest dream, because I no longer have a laptop. Yet, even with my laptop, I couldn’t afford the business because food and living expenses are expensive to the point that it’s hard to make any savings, and that is if I could still work. The car is in need of a new axle, including a lot of connecting parts that make the wheels move. The guy must have hit something really hard on the road, it barely drives and makes a lot of noise. My dream of starting a business, although hard to obtain, has recently been destroyed because of this incident, and now I sit here not sure what to do, and it’s been causing me to feel more aweful than I’ve felt in many years. Years that I’ve built, after a long time, a little hope for the future, which I was beginning to feel, at 50 years old, after a long struggle. Right now, I can’t even afford food for me and my cat. So, I pray that someone out there can hear this and please help me get back on my feet again, and live the dream I’ve always hoped for, especially after all these setbacks. God bless you and thank you.
The expenses needed to cover this, I’ll make as exact as possible. The car repairs=$500; the laptop=$700; the business =$1,500; food and living expenses, until I can make it on my own=$500. For a total of: $3,200.
Cash App: $559brian