My name is Madina and I’m in desperate need of financial assistance, my problems started when my landlord increased my rent and it was more then my income. I ended up getting into a car accident and my car was totaled, This was my very first accident in my whole life of driving. I was told it was my fault even though I disagreed and there were no cameras but the insurance company said it was my fault, well when the accident happened I also couldn’t use AAA nor any other tow company to get my car off the road it had to be through Fairfax County contracted tow company and I had to pay 370 dollars just for it to be towed down the road, so I needed a vehicle and money so I found out that liyf has a program where you can rent their car and make money but the option I picked was the pay as you go miles and because iI haven’t understood the plan correctly I racked up $1193 mostly in miles so every time I work they take my money and now because I can’t get it down fast enough they are telling me to turn in my car, I want to get the other option of unlimited miles but because I can’t get the bill down I can’t change the plan. I’m struggling trying to keep food in the house, gas in this car so I can work and I’m still behind in rent. I have 2 autistic sons at home I’m a single parent and I don’t have a good support system. I blamed myself for this mess I’m in by not researching and double checking how everything worked . I thought I was going to be making money and having a car at the same time that I could use but what ended up happening is I’m further down in the hole I need the money by tomorrow, I’ve never felt so down and such a failure. I don’t have anyone I can turn too when I need help I’m so so sad and upset. My sons need me but things are just getting to hard for me I’m also struggling with sjogrens disease and my knee is in terrible shape. Please if anyone can help me. Please help. Here is my PayPal link.