It is not easy for me to ask for financial aid, but, at this point, this is my last hope!
I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer, which metastasized, and spread to lungs, liver, lymph nodes, and bone. I had to have surgery to remove my breast. I had a mastectomy, because the Cancer tumor was very large, and spread within the breast,and pushed outward, and was hanging outside of my breast, bleeding, and oozing bodily fluids, daily!;It was extremely painful; The mastectomy was life altering, and traumatic, for me!
l am presently taking many rounds of Immunotherapy, and Chemotherapy, and one of the Chemotherapy drug(s), is very harsh, and it burned through my veins in my arm, and now my veins are no longer functioning. I had to get a catheter placed in my chest in order to continue to take the Immunotherapy, and Chemotherapy drug treatments, so the drugs can pass through a larger vein near my heart, and throughout my entire body; The Oncologist, told me, l will have to take it for the rest of my life. I am on a lot of medication, and l have to inject myself every week to increase my white cells due to low immunity because of the chemotherapy treatments.
I am unable to work, and l am struggling to make ends meet. I need help with just to LIVE, and have the basic necessities of life; I also need transportation to get to my Immunotherapy, and Chemotherapy treatments, and appointments every week. l have monthly expenses, rent, bills, and mounting debt that l need to pay, including food.
I kindly ask for your help!
I truly, and humbly appreciate any amount that you can give!
With utmost sincerity, and gratitude!
I wholeheartedly, thank you very much!