My house is basically collapsing in the center. The floors are weak and uneven. The floors and ceiling are gradually detaching from the walls, making it very drafty and greatly increasing the electric bill. The contractor’s assessment was that the seals and beams under the house need to be replaced and the house needs to be lifted back into place. This will cost approximately $8,500 to depending on the materials used.
I have been out of work for two years and have no income because of a hip injury. I have a pending disability case for this injury but it could take another 7 to 12 months for a decision, and even then, it may not be in my favor.
Doctors have me on a list for hip replacement surgery in the next 3 to 4 months and it would be a ideal to have the floors even and other repairs complete before the surgery date.
Financial assistance for these repairs would be a major burden lifted.
Thank you,