Good evening everyone,
First, i want to thank everyone who takes the time to read my post especially because I know how busy most are these days. And second, I am not someone who usually asks or begs for anything. My parents raised me to be strong and independent, so this is new for me and hoping everyone can bear with me.
Here is my real life story and why I am in desperate need for help:
In December of 2019, my dad started battling Alzheimers. The disease progressed rapidly, bless his heart, and he also had a terrible heart condition which caused him to get quadruple bypass in 2019. My mom did the best she could to take care of my dad; she was a diabetic and in a wheelchair, but not totally disabled. My parents lived in Mead, Oklahoma, I live in Arizona. Granted I had 4 siblings, but sadly they lived all over the United States. In June of 2021, my dad ended up in the hospital with his heart. While in the hospital, he fell several times and suffered several head injuries from the falls. His disease had progressed to the point that his doctor advised my mom that Dad needed to go to a rehab facility before home. I drove from arizona to Oklahoma to help my parents. Drove straight through, 18 hours, but i got there. I researched rehab facilities and we decided on one that was just about 15 min from my parents home in Mead. After my dad was transported to the facility and settled in, I needed to get back to Arizona and to my job; a shift supervisor at Circle K. I made two more trips back home to help mom out and visit dad over the next few months. Then Sept 5th 2021 at 2:12pm, i got a call from my mom, Dad had contracted Coviid and was in hospital. He wasnt allowed visitors. At 623pm, my Dad was gone. I went home again, drove myself, and stayed another week and half with mom. After I left, mom got really ill, my brother was staying with my mom by this time and mom was admitted into hospital with stomach cancer, which none of us had any idea this existed. Within 5 months, got call from hospital telling us to come say goodbye to mom. June 17 2022, mom passed away. I had driven all night to get to hospital, but sadly, she passed as i pulled into the hospital parking lot. Losing both parents in such short time took a toll on us kids, especially my older sister Laura. Laura was 3 yrs older than me and she really had a hard time dealing with the loss of my dad, then my mom. I drove from Arizona to Arkansas 3 times that next year to be with Laura on her bday, thanksgiving and christmas. January 19 2024, i get a call at 313am, my 59 yr old sister, Laura died in her sleep. I drove back to Alma, Arkansas for her funeral. We stayed over a week with my brother-in-law. Needless to say, all the travel back and forth took my savings, my employer had to let me go because i had been gone so much and now i am having to live in a little 5th wheel that has no air conditioner or heater. Summer temps here in Flagstaff have been in the 90s while in the winter we receive close to 180 inches of snow with temps below zero at times. I am now 55 yrs old, will be 56 August 31st and i have nothing left in my savings and having to settle working a minimum wage job that barely pays my rent. If anyone out there would be willing to help me, I would pay it forward to many. I just really need a guardian angel who will help me get started again. Thank you for your time