Hello I’m 59. Me, my wife and 2 boys (15 & 11) need help desperately. My wife lost a career job 7 months ago and unemployment stopped last month. Our savings has been completely zeroed out. Our bank account has approx $1000 with bills coming due. Her unemployment and my income was just enough to barely cover everything. We have fallen behind on the house by 2 months. She has applied at hundreds of jobs over the past 7 months and hasn’t received any offers. She’s actually been told she’s overqualified. She can’t even get a $15 hr cashier job. We are behind on all our bills. I am or “was” self employed doing food delivery making $500-$800 a week sometimes more if the tips were good. Up until the 12th Dec. a few days ago our only vehicle was t-boned and totaled out by another driver. The side airbags deployed. We still had 15 months to payoff. I’m only in a rental till the 18th of Dec. still doing all the deliveries I can do to try and make as much as I can. We need help desperately and quickly for a good down payment for a vehicle. We have asked our family members who are unable to help. We have never been in this type of situation before and have no idea of how to try and keep from losing everything. Our home our utilities. We just got approved for food assistance that took 6 months. But without a vehicle we’ll lose everything else. We have been praying for help, I never dreamed I would need to ask for assistance from strangers that don’t even know me or our family. We desperately need help we desperately need to raise money for a good down payment for a car to be able and keep the payments low. That’s our main need at moment so I can still bring in some kind of income from food deliveries to try and keep us afloat till the wife hopefully gets a job offer. She’s done so many interviews and zoom interviews and she keeps getting turned down or told she’s overqualified by the people interviewing her. Saying “she could do their job”. “Why would they hire her to do something she’s to qualified for”. Without another vehicle after the 18th I won’t even be able to take her to any more interviews she may get or continue making food deliveries. Please help if your able. We may not know who will donate or give to us by name but we will be so very grateful and pray for every person who may give. Thank you and please keep my family in your prayers if you’re unable to donate. And if you can please, please help our family. May God Bless you!