I’d like to start by saying thank you for taking the time to read this. I have never done anything like this before and just found out this sort of thing existed. I’m a single mother with 2 children ages 3 and 17 years old. i have no family but my children. my father passed away when i was 2 and my mother and sister died in 2009, both sets of my grandparents are deceased and i lost my baby bother in 2023 at the age of 29. So I’ve never had a village to help me with my children or emergency situations.
that being said the reason im writing this is because this is my last hope . I have reached out to non profits , every charity i could find and every church near me. About 8 months ago i had a pipe bust that ran under the laundry room and master bath and bedroom going to the hot water heater. i took me awhile to get someone out to my house to cut the water off and get it fixed. well after that it busted 2 more times . it soaked the bellybag under the house and mold started growing in the bedroom and batheroom faster that i could clean it. so i shut the room off and hung a big blanket up trying to make sure the room was sealed from the rest of the house. i then started searching for help and here i am 8 months later and still have not found help.
My daughter has chronic eczema and is allergic to grass, trees, dust, cats and dogs. My son has asthma and I have alot of health issues also. I have tried looking for hotel vouchers and nobody has them. I was even speaking to people that buy houses for cash so I could buy an RV but I own my home and land and would end up starting all over again… we have no family to stay with and no where to go. so today Im asking for help to purchase an rv I can put on my property and to get out of this house that is making us sick. I live in a rural area so i could tie right in to my septic and water. then once we are out of the home I could focus on finding help for the house. The bedroom and bathroom walls are black with mold and the celing and insulation have fallen out…
I have no clue how much money to ask for. I have looked online at RV’s and found some 2 bedroom in the 20-30 thousand price range. I will try to find the cheapest one that meets our needs . I have also fallen behind on my car payments due to having to fix it all the time. I still need 2 tires and ignition coils and spark plugs. I need to get it fixed asap also to get my daughter to her specialist an hour away. I will be more that grateful for anything anyone could to to help me and my children and will pay it forward one day. Thank you for reading this and may GOD bless you. cashapp $BreckBuck83 paypal.me/breckenbuck83