Improve My Mother’s Home Good morning, my request is to help my mother in her house, my mother took care of my grandmother, so my mother preferably went to her mother’s house to support her until my dear grandmother passed away, after 10 years of take care of her and help her. When my grandmother died, my uncles asked for their right to ownership of the same house, so that my mother, now old, would not have any problems, I told her to go to her old house. Being in another city, unfortunately, I never realized the situation of my mother’s home, so a relative sent me photos, the apartment is no longer useful, the ceiling destroyed, no windows, lack of bars, the house is really completely decayed, I have tried everything possible to help her and I have been able enough to Send money to my mother, I go to her noble heart, whoever is willing or donate whatever, it will be my gratitude and blessing.
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