Hello, my name is Kimberly and I am currently staying in Canada. I am both a US and Canadian Citizen. I had surgery for my 2nd round of Cancer and I have been having a hard time with my health and finances. To make matters worse, I just cannot afford the cost of living in Canada. I will become homeless in the next month and I will probably freeze to death. I need help with moving costs to get me to Missouri where I can afford a comfortable living and get back on my feet again. Please help me or I will probably freeze to death in the near future, since it gets very cold where I am staying. Thank you for your help and may God bless you . . .
Paypal . . . https://paypal.me/KimmyRob101?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US
Cashapp . . . https://cash.app/$kimmyrob101