Hi my name is Serena Welsh and I was hoping to get financial help first and foremost for my beloved dog boots.Boots is my whole world.we have been through so much together. Especially this last year,it was really a test of my faith and I know I wouldn’t of made it through without her. Boots is now in Desperate need of help she has a massive tumor on her belly that will kill her if it erupts she has surgery scheduled in 4 days but I don’t think she’s gonna make it. The doctor said she could do emergency surgery for an extra 350$ that would bring the total to 1500$. I just don’t have it. i’ve been applying for loans and asked for grants from just about all the animal foundations just to hear they are can’t fund me at this time , and to be denied from bank lenders.Boots has seriously been my light through the darkest year year of my life.Let me explain to you as to why I’m so behind and need some help. First mom gets murdered by her ex boyfriend because she just received a 30000 $ settlement from being hit by a car a couple months prior. AND Yes he spent every single penny of the money. As my brother and I are grieving my mom who was our rock, a few days later my brother gets shot in close range with a 45 ! He barely survived and the guy that did it also shot 3 other 2 of which didn’t make it . During this time period I met a very special friend his name is Jimi.Jimi and I grew especially close through all this,I even let him stay with me for a few weeks.I honestly don’t think I would have made it without him. The holidays were approaching and Jimi decided he would go home to spend time with him mom and family for Thanksgiving and then he would be back.A couple of weeks go by and I find out pregnant. I knew I wasn’t mentally or financially in a place to take care of a baby ,so not knowing what else to do my friend Janell takes me to get an abortion.well the doctor tells me I’m to far along and he would have to send me to another state to have the procedure done.later that week I get a phone call from a friend informing me that Jimi has passed a way from a fentanyl overdose. I was beyond devastated.Iknew I couldn’t get an abortion now so I decided to have the baby and Jimis brother was going to raise him.during the remainder of the pregnancy they find my friend Janell out in the desert! She had ran outta gas on her 4 wheeler and it was the hottest week of the year with temperatures being 116 degrees ,she passed away from the sun and dehydration. Another hard hit.Last but not least my husband of 11 years ( we had been separated for years ) has passed from a bad reaction to his new crowns disease medication. Now that one really hurt me,Cody was my best friend I grew up with him.i had no choice but to adapt to this new life without the people who I was close to all gone I still have a brand new healthy baby boy who I named jimi.Now I’ve had problems in the past and cps got involved,so I knew they would be showing up to take the baby,but to my surprise my old social worker came to the hospital and said serena I think You’ve been through a lot and I think you have grown,so we want you to have a chance at being a mother and actually let me take my baby home.i could believe it. I knew it was my mom up in heaven working miracles. Jimi and I go home and friends help me round up a crib and baby clothes since I had absolutely nothing.to make a long story short I’m struggling to pay rent because Im not working and the social security office denied jimi of survivor benefits. I just need a little help to get back on my feet and stay strong to raise this baby. Thanks for listening to my story remember miracles really do happen everyday
Love Serena✝️
my cash tag is $yoyodreamin