First, thank you for reading this. I am a cancer survivor, with other medical issues, living on a modest social security income. Last year I moved in with my disabled adult son and his father so we could pool our resources in these trying times. My son had recieved ssi as a child, and we are in the process of trying to get it reinstated for him. He was recently in a bad car wreck and broke his ankle so badly it required pins and screws to repair. His father suffers from COPD, has a massive hernia that needs surgery, and a herniated disc in his back, but the man was still working until february when the company he had worked for for over 13 years let him go. His lung doctor recommended he apply for disabilty, as his COPD has gotten considerably worse, he is unable to even walk to the mailbox without gasping, coughing, and hitting his rescue inhaler. We have managed to keep afloat this far awaiting social security’s decision (he does have representation), but now find we have a cut off notice on the electric bill and car insurance due shortly (my modest income was not enough to cover all our bills). I am asking for anything you can spare to help keep us afloat. Thank you so much for your consideration, and may God bless you.
Cash app id : $GMM62469