First I wanted to say thank you for this opportunity. My name is Tracy, and I am in Denver Colorado where I have lived my entire life. I never thought I would be homeless at 61, but I learned that homelessness could happen to anyone. I was my mother’s caretaker in her later years, she was my best friend and the best person I know. After she passed at 91 there was a long chain of events and here we are today, Thank God for a friend of mine who offered me his couch, but I can’t stay because he is a veteran, and they will take his housing. I have been on the housing list with no luck and it’s becoming scary. I am on a pension and Social Security survivor benefits from my late husband, The thing is those two together come to $1,000 a month and you can’t find a buffet apartment in Denver for less than $1100. I’ve tried roommates and although people have good intentions life happens and we can’t control the actions of another. I’ve never been a person who just gives up and living in my car is not safe nor an option at 61. A friend and her husband found themselves in a similar situation. They purchased an RV and rented a lot with complete hook-ups, it’s very close to a tiny house, and perfect for me.
So, I sat down and decided, my long-term goal is to train service dogs. I’ve worked with dogs my entire life and I’m good at it. Also, I know that $1000 a month is impossible to live on, and I don’t have a significant other, so back to work I go. I’m excited really because I’ll be doing something worthwhile and something I love. Getting from point A to B is the problem. I have written my grant and business plan for my new business, but before I can do that I need to have a secure place to close my eyes at night and be safe. Tic tock is the clock and I’m days away from moving into my car and I’m terrified. Yes I have friends who will let me barrow a couch but to what end? I’ll be in the same situation down the road. My beautiful mother told me once, “in a world full of problems be the solution.” That is what I’m trying to accomplish. I looked at RV’s and applied for a loan. With no down payment I don’t have a chance. My credit score has gone from 700 to 576 and a lot of the problem there is student loans. At 50 I went back to school while I was taking care of mom, 2 classes away from my bachelor’s degree in legal studies, which is no help now. Then of course the income is a problem. Also ,there are older RV’s but to put an RV on a lot with full hookups it can’t be any older than ten years.
My question is – is there anyone out there with a 2014 or newer RV that is taking up space they would care to donate? I will take very good care of it and love it forever. Or $30,000, $25,000 to buy the RV and $5,000 for plates, insurance, and putting on a lot,
I am a 23-year cancer survivor and have been kidnapped and held hostage but being homeless is far worse than either of those. A safe place to close my eyes at night will be a new beginning and the end of this nightmare. Thank you for hearing my story.
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