Dear all,
I have been trying to take my son to Europe with me from the Philippines for more than 4 years. During the pandemic there were strict restrictions to enter and exit the country and I could not take him. After that my uncle had a motorbike accident and he had no health insurance, all my money went there for treatment. Just when this was done my son was found with kidney stones and had terrible pain, the drugs to melt the kidney stones were ridiculously expensive, he had to take them for about 8 months, then all our money went there. To pay for all these treatments I have been jumping around in Europe from job to job non stop, I worked as a buyer in Finland, when my job ended there I went to Germany some guy offered me work for two weeks in a wood cutting factory, then I worked for 2 months for Volkswagen, at that point the kidney problem started and my salary was not enough to pay the drugs so I moved to France to work at a chemical factory with a better wage, the work ended in 4 months now I am back in Germany working as a driver. I just want to have my son with me, I don’t know how long I can stand for, if I could get 9000 euros I could build a wooden house in the Philippines and move in there with my son. I don’t know if anyone would want to help but if I get help I will be praying for you that God will place you in the highest rank in Paradise. May God protect us all from being separated from our families.