Hello Friend,
Let me say I hope this letter finds you well. I want to express my sincere gratitude for your
interest in reading my hardship letter and my plea for help. “Thank You” is one of the first
words our parents taught us to say growing up. Welcome and thank you for reading.
I hope you can join us. You will be an outstanding team player because of your kindness and
generosity. According to online newsletter www.PsychAlive.com, giving, donating, being
generous does wonders for mental and physical health. It reduces stress, fights depression,
promotes social connection, improves relationship and promotes long life. You are in the right
My wife and I are retired. We moved south to escape the harsh winters. We bought an average
size 3-bedroom,2 bath, 24-year-old home. Approximately 1700 sq ft.
The previous owner had numerous health issues and was getting old. They wanted to move to
Boston to be with their family. They only took with them their clothes and a few personal
belongings. We had a job on our hands. We had to empty our home before we could move in.
We contacted the local churches. They contacted the poor and needy families, veterans,
homeless people. And we donated the entire household. All the fine furniture, dishes, bedding,
and more. Gave it all away.
So much joy, smiles, hugs we made that day. These people were very happy. It was like
Christmas in July. Now the real work begins. Our house is empty and in need of updates. Room
by room we were able to make our home livable. New paint, new flooring, new windows and so
much more.
Quickly our savings account was being depleted. The cost of everything was going through the
roof so to speak. You see it at the gas pump and the grocery checkout line.
However, we still have two important projects we couldn’t afford to fix. We need duct
work. We have a dust problem in our home. We are constantly coughing and sneezing. It’s
making us sick. Dirty duct work can accumulate dust, allergens and other pollutants which can
negatively affect the air we breathe.

We need a new roof. This one is in bad shape. Weakness in the shingles, dampness on the attic
floor and more. Similarly, an old roof can lead to various issues such as leaks, water damage,
mold, decreased insulation.
We worry about the negative impact on our health.
We need to give this matter serious attention right away. Otherwise, there’s an old song from
the 60’s. “Rain drops keep falling on my head”. I’m afraid that’s what is going to happen.
I have exhausted all my savings and resources. I have looked into various assistance programs,
but the process is slow and uncertain.
This is where we need your expert assistance. Your heart, your kindness and your generosity
will make a positive impact on our lives. You will be a team player.
Replacing old dirty duct work and replacing an old roof will have several benefits.
•Restore our health!
•Improved indoor air quality.
•Increased energy efficiency.
I am reaching out to you, my friend. I am asking for your help. Please donate today. Your
donation will be greatly appreciated, large or small. My deepest gratitude for your support.
Thank you for your time and for being a team player. God bless you and keep you. You’re the Best.
Click on the PayPal link today. Thank you!