I am in need of emergency financial assistance because I literally lost everything from the disaster resulting from Hurricane Helene in Georgia. There were four counties that were the hardest hit and I lived in one of them. At the time I was living in a travel trailer because of a recent divorce due to years of domestic violence. I had no vehicle
because my ex took everything including the only transportation I had. I had bought a used travel trailer and was staying in it on a friend’s property. The Hurricane disaster which created two horrific tornadoes that destroyed my only shelter and everything in it along with my storage building with the only food,furniture, and clothes I owned.
Now I am homeless and without any means of transportation. I have Multiple Sclerosis and a pacemaker. I barely can see at all due to my prescription glasses,contacts,and eye medication was destroyed. I have talked to an eye doctor and he explained to me that I qualified for LASIK surgery. Please, I need to raise enough money to start all over. I received the minimal amount of money from FEMA to cover food and hotel expenses for 3 weeks. I need the money for a security deposit and first month rent on an apartment along with utilities and some furniture and food. I have very few clothes and no winter clothes. I am also trying to purchase a used vehicle to get back and forth to the doctor and grocery store along with other errands. I live in a very rural area and the nearest store besides the convenience store is over 40 minutes away.
I need to raise $20,000 to start all over. I am graciously appreciative and grateful for what I receive.
God has humbled me and opened my eyes to not take for granted the blessings you receive. I always pay it forward to anyone in life because you never know the circumstances they are living in. I have a big heart and I believe there is good in everyone. We are to forgive and love one another. I have forgive my ex and I would help him anyway I could.
God bless and thank you for your donations. My cash app cash tag link is $slimshady021. It appears on my cash app account as Bear’s paw walking service and more. If needed, the cash app account banking routing number is 041215663 and the account number is 1288050490473. The bank name is Sutton Bank. Again, thank you for paying it forward to me.You guys are heroes and amazing people. I hope God blesses each one of you in every way.