- Hi, my name is Kay. A few months ago, I found myself in a terrible financial crisis. My fiance and I had gone into business with an acquaintance and began renting a room from him. Well, long story short, 4 months after that, we had a disagreement with his business partner, and we found ourselves being thrown out onto the street, all of our business taken, and our name being trashed. Basically, this guy who had absolutely no experience or contacts in the construction field had used my fiance to learn the ropes, land a few solid jobs, and get some contacts in the field. Once we had several thousands dollars worth of jobs lined up and as soon as he felt confident in his own ability to bid, he backed out of our agreement, and threw us out as though we were trash, all while trashing our business name, basically ensuring that we couldn’t land jobs. Shortly afterwards, my fiance was unexpectedly incarcerated, and how to do a few months for an old misdemeanor ticket. So, that left me alone, living out of my car with my dog… I’m finally able to get a hold of a friend, who introduced me to a wonderful woman, who let me stay at her house. She is on disability, still works part-time, with two beautiful daughters, and in a bunch of animals including chickens pigs and a bunch of dogs. Well I just found out that she has an electric bill that is insanely high, and owes the electric company over $10,000, and she has been arguing with them for months trying to find assistance trying to get it the bill lowered, but they are going to shut us off in the next week if we can’t make a payment. She has asked for assistance, but nothing has panned out. I am creating this in hopes that someone might be able to help her, as she was so willing to help me in my time of need. (I swear if I was in a position to give it to her I so would however, Im destitute and have no idea what I’m going to do once my fiance is released) anyway thank you for reading and we would appreciate any help!!! God bless and thank you!!
- The company is black hills electric
- She doesn’t know I am asking for help, she probably wouldn’t, but we need help honestly…