I am in need of assistance. I never thought I’d find myself in the position to ask for help. I was married for 21 years & have 2 children. We divorced in December 2021 (due to my husband’s infidelity). Prior to the divorce, I was the Owner/Operator of a small cleaning business for 23 years. I worked 5, sometimes 6, days a week cleaning 4-6 houses per day for 23 years. The damage it did to my spine & shoulder left me disabled @ 49 years old. I took steps from 40-49 to do everything medically possible (and still continue my endeavor for relief), but my doctors say there is nothing else that can be medically done at this point. I even have an implanted device in my spine. I’m no longer able to do physical work & am only suppose to lift 10 lbs. I can only sit/stand for so long.
After the divorce, I received a lump sum & a 401k for the divorce settlement. I used the lump sum (which wasn’t a lot) for a down payment on a condo. The 401k was transferred to my name & the rules state that as an alternate payee, I can not receive funds until my ex-husband reaches 59 1/2. He will be 59 1/2 in 2032.
My children are now over 18 since the divorce.
After moving into my condo, things started breaking down & bills are piling up. I’ve been trying to keep up & I’ve ran out of money. My SSDI barely covers my monthly mortgage. I collect $1031 per month from SSDI. I also receive a small amount of alimony per month.
Since I moved into my condo I’ve had to pay out approximately $25,000. In addition, my heat doesn’t work & I live in Wisconsin. I can’t afford to even call someone out to find out what the problem is.
I’ve had to replace or repair:
A/C unit
Garage door
Garbage disposal
Plumbing issues in bathroom & kitchen
Tires & brakes on car
All of these things (plus addition of smaller things) with the addition of monthly bills being more than the money coming in, has left me needing assistance.
More than that, it gets very cold during Wisconsin winters and winter is fast approaching. Last winter I had problems with my pipes freezing. I tried to run multiple small heaters & my electric fuse keep tripping and shutting down all the electricity to my condo.
I’ve been trying to work some sort of P/T job to bring in extra income. However, everything has piled up so quickly & now credit cards are due (balances are high). It just seems like I need a boost, a break… something!
I continue to try to better my situation & actually have ideas about doing voice over work to make money. However, I need equipment (laptop, editing program, microphone, sound proof room) & to be able to make a small home studio in a closet to do the work. I have to establish myself by doing voice overs before I can make any money working in this field.
If you are in the position to help, I’d be so grateful. When I was doing well, I paid it forward & can only hope someone will help me now. I’d love to be able to help others when I’m able to again!
Thanks for listening. God bless.