My name is Theresia Hunter-Nelson, a 72 year old disabled female who has worked in the Senior Community for 25 years.
I have worked providing (live in/live out) private personal care, household management, advocacy, end of life transition and whatever else my client/patients/ families required. My life has become enriched in so many aspects because of each individual experience! There has been many “ups as well as downs”! However, in hindsight, my employers did not provide a 401K fund nor did they contribute to Social Security in my behalf!
In my experiences, I have been loved, shown adoration, sustained physical injuries, encountered prejudice, disrespect, underpaid, well paid and even devalued. In retrospect, I’ve also gained valuable lessons which I’ll never forget.
In December of 2018 I relocated from Southern California to Stockton, California (my Sister had some chronic health conditions/age), to assist my Sister.
In May of 2022 my elder sister, 83, contracted Covid. She had pre-existing chronic conditions and had refused to get vaccinated. She went into the hospital and stayed two weeks. On June 3rd, she was sent home on Hospice to live out her remaing days. A decision was made for me to quit my position and take care of her, as I was the only qualified person in our household. This was one of the hardest things in life that I would ever experience! I had no clue, going forward , how life changing this would be and the “downward spiral syndrome ” that was to about affect the core of my stability!
My Sister , for whatever reason, never purchased the house she lived in for 17 years. Once the property owners became aware of her condition things changed drastically without so much as a show of respect or decency!
On June 6, 2022, a for sale sign was placed in the yard and a envelope with a type written letter along with the Realtors business card was placed under the front door. We (occupants) had 60 days to vacate the premises!
I certainly wasn’t aware of my own wellbeing . I’ve struggled with Sleep Deprivation/Hormonal issues and HBP-controlled since 2012. Something else was happening during this time, however. There apparently were warning signals (physical) that I did’nt interpret at the time! I just knew I had the daily responsibility of her care.
In all actuality, taking care of her, excepting the reality, grieving, (not knowing when “Sis” would pass), planning a funeral, and finding another place to live……was insane! ***The residue of this experience still affects me (yes I’m now in Therapy and under a Physicians care) and I’m still struggling with this!
Prior to her passing (8/8/22), we (family) went through her papers and found out she had let her burial/life Insurance lapse! Unbelievable!
In the days that followed, we were able to “suck it up”, roll up our sleeves, coordinate a viable plan, secure individual storage units and start packing up the house. With inflation having gone crazy, we (4 adults) were unsuccessful financially, in securing a single family residence together. We had to separate and secure housing by whatever means necessary! I secured an individual storage unit for everything I owned without the security of knowing where I would be living or how soon I would be employed again.
The Ceremonial services (9/2/2022), were held in our hometown of Fresno, California, where other family members reside. I decided to stay awhile and give myself a chance to breathe and reevaluate my circumstances before making any future decisions. In the month of September, I ended up in the ER twice. My BP was at Stroke level, and experiencing extreme periods of irritability, anxiety and distraction. I gave myself “a pass and permission ” to feel whatever I felt and put off seeking professional help.
In October, 2022 a door opened for me in a income qualified Senior Housing Complex. I had enough put aside to secure the rental. I even obtained a Part Time Caregiver position until a bad fall which after Xrays determined complex Osteoarthritis in both knees/tailbone, ie, Mobility issues. In November 2022, I was diagnosed with moderate to severe Anxiety and was referred to Behavioral Therapy.
I began to increase my Credit Card usage to meet my obligations of which includes a ‘storage unit’ (Stockton, California). I was able to file a claim (Unemployment) of which ended December of 2023 with no extension.
Today, this is where I am…..medically, the Orthopedic surgeon suggests a knee replacement, now Pre Diabetic, 2 BP medications (referral to a Cardiologist), 1 Anxiety medication (I don’t feel any difference), 1 Cholesterol medication (recent), operating on interrupted sleep patterns nitely (less than 5 hours total sleep.
Economically: Forced to let go of All credit cards , a pre-lien sale notice of everything in my storage $10,000 value), sole income of $1024 (Social Security)…..Monthly outgo: Rent: $627.00, (current), Utility: PG&E: $89 to $109.00, (current), Cellphone: Comcast Xfinity: $45.00, (current) Cable/Internet (same company): $160.00 ( past due x 2), Auto Payment: Westlake Financial: $286.90(current), Auto Insurance: ConnectbyAmFam: $77.00 (current), Life Insurance: Ameriprise: $65.85, (2 months due…pre-lapse status), Storquest Storage Solutions: $ 232.00 (+$32.00 late fee) ×2…($517.00) due (pre-lein status)… monthly: ($1,583.75) , now have Cal Fresh benefits (food): $220.00, monthly. *** Excess monthly expenses/ overages: Fuel, Automobile maintenance, household/food/incidentals have been charged to Credit Cards, currently “maxed out/over the limits”….gone!
This information is verifiable! I’m also seeking Bankruptcy counseling…..I have nowhere else to go or nothing more to lose!
My Faith has been my foundation and GOD saw fit to equip me with the gifts of giving, caring for others, compassion for the elderly and disabled, family first, Community, and now “it’s my Season of need”. I have always believed in Humanity, yet I’ve lived/experienced the destruction of Culture (my own)and its support system (my own) generationally! The reality of my fragile existence and current circumstances overwhelms me each day!