Hi my name is Jareth Brashear and I’m requesting help with a situation that I have not been able to overcome .
I’ll explain it as shortly and clearly as possible . I am basically in the worst , most depressive financial situation of my life so far , in fact I’ve never been here at this point before . About five years ago I was on an ok trajectory with a manageable debt totaling around eight thousand dollars . Since that time several unfolding events made it to where I had to take out loans to survive . At that time I had 619 credit score and had possibilities and options.
The only problem was the loans were high interest and I didn’t fully understand the financial world . Basically in the course of the last three years I totaled a car one night while falling asleep at the wheel , I had to come up with the money to pay the rest of that car off and the insurance deductible which was one thousand dollars . After that about a year later , I had a major work accident at the factory I worked for . In 2020 a shard of metal broke off of my machine and hit me in the chest at close range . This caused several things to change in my life as I had to fight to force the aerospace company I worked for to pay for the two medical bills …one was the night of the occurrence which was X rays and a shot . the second was a surgery that I spent three weeks battling them on to finally do .
I had worked for that company for at least eight years and had to fight that hard for myself only to get blamed in the next company meeting for the occurrence. This led me to turn in my notice and work out my last two weeks . During that time of working with that company I had also signed up with a Debt relief company to consolidate my bills and take down the interest on my loans . This turned into a three year cycle of the company simply doing nothing while just taking funds from me and building a fund account . It worked for one creditor in the beginning but legally it didn’t protect me from calls and harassment like the program claimed it would . If I could go back in time now I would have gotten a good lawyer instead .
Eventually I had to default on the program because it was getting me nowhere . Jump back into the future after my work accident . So after I left the company I took a three month break from work , this was right after the pandemic and during that time . I cashed out my 401K and basically used it to purchase a new car and pay some bills , I also used it for rent and living expenses during the three months I took off work . I took three months off from working because at this point I was depressed , tired and living in constant stress cycles . I worked five days a week and lots of mandatory overtime on top of it . I also worked third shift and rarely got sleep in those days so I took three months to recuperate from that life and from the accident that happened at work .
I had to quickly improvise and get another job as sky rocketing inflation brought the prices up on everything . still cycling through depression I got other loans to survive with because six months after I bought my new used car it had a transmission fluid leak I didnt know about . This costed me another one thousand five hundred dollars I did not have at the time but had to come up with . Then I got another job so that I could continue paying my bills .
The positive in this job is that I work a week on and have off a week . It helped me recuperate my time and energy but now I have a ridiculous amount of debt on my hands and a much lower credit score from all the financial burdens . Signing up with the Debt relief company landed me down to a 465 credit score and I have been attempting to raise it but it’s not raising quickly enough , I think I have a 470 score now and it took me three months to raise it five points .
I have tried multiple lenders in attempting a consolidation loan but with that score I cannot get any help at all . My family has fallen on hard situations themselves so I can’t get a co signer either on a consolidation loan . Recently in the past six months one of my major credit cards garnished my wages and it has left me hurting financially .. Also from where I took out my 401K about a year or two ago , the IRS is coming after me for the two thousand dollars that I owe them as well .
At this same time that I’m encountering all of this I fell asleep again at the wheel about two weeks ago and damaged my car on the left driver side . the repairs for that are over two thousand dollars . In total to fix my car and get out of the loans I took I’m about 25,000 dollars in the red. I live paycheck to paycheck now making seventeen dollars an hour at the company I work for . One of the loans I mentioned above is a title loan that really hurts me , I have four thousand left before its paid off and the payments are five hundred sixty three a month . At this rate the garnishment and the title loan will finish off around the same time in February of 2024 , that’s a long time to battle this with all the problems I have .
I also have court in a week to pay the two hundred dollar ticket I got the night I fell asleep while driving about two weeks ago . I took out the title loan to try and pay off the IRS but I had to use that money instead for my car when it had the transmission fluid problem . I have a Volkswagen so the parts , labor and time is expensive . I have never asked for money from a person personally before outside of my family . I am very independent and always have been but I have fallen upon a desperate situation where all of these things are on me at once and it’s overbearing mentally , emotionally and physically .
I would appreciate any help at all towards clearing up these issues . I realize now how the world of finance works and I wish I could have learned it sooner before I made bad mistakes with high interest loans that were beyond me . I’ve learned a major lesson about this and will be taking steps to correct it in the future .
I’m basically asking for help so that I can have a second shot at living a good life and a progressive one so that I can turn around and help someone else in my same predicament one day . Debt is literally mental , emotional and spiritual torture and there are very few ways out of it once you have it in large amounts . This cycle has been tearing my life apart for years now .
In closing I just want to thank the person who took the time to read my request and consider helping me out of this terrible situation . I will take personal responsibility and provide proof of anything that any donor for me might require ….my life has been a roller coaster of hardship for the last three to five years and it has not stopped . I’m willing to also pay back everything a person may donate to me , I don’t really believe in hand outs . As stated earlier in my request I am a very independent person and I would never expect anyone to simply give me a large amount of money without setting up a plan for me to pay it back .
Thank you for your time and attention
$Starwolf33 is my Cashapp
* I prefer cashapp but either one works for me .