To Whomever Reads This:
This has been a tough year for my family and my business, and it actually started much longer ago than this year. I grew up poor and was almost homeless twice. It’s a feeling I never wanted to experience again, and one I definitely never wanted my children to experience.
I am a former special education teacher of seven years, stayed home with my children for four years to help get them through school as they both have health issues and being with them was important. Their father and I separated in 2011, and had a nasty divorce in 2015, and I had to move back in with my parents. I went back to school in 2016 to be a massage therapist and opened my business in January 2018, a field I never imagined for myself. Being a massage therapist has allowed me to help others in ways I didn’t know were possible, and has taught me so much about who I am. I had to build up my credit from the divorce, and finally got it to a good value, then Covid happened. Thankfully, I was remarried by this point because during Covid I was not allowed to work, and my husband was considered an essential employee. Covid definitely lessened my clientele base as there are still people I’ve not seen since, but I was always able to manage my finances still, and continued providing a life for my family that we were proud of. I have definitely changed my clientele over the years, having different people now, though some still remain from my opening in 2018.
After Covid I switched locations three times within a year because I was not able to take over the centers I’ve wanted to be a part of. I helped open a health center in 2022, and for a while it seemed as though all was back to normal, as my clientele and business were growing. My husband fell off a roof and fractured his neck and had a mini stroke, doctors said if the fracture was 3mm to the right, he’d have been paralyzed or dead. He suffers from a lot of pain and cognitive issues, so he had to go down to contingently working and has had several months where he has not been able to bring in any income.
In January of 24, I got my kids full time because of some issues with their dad. We’d had shared parenting 50/50, and I didn’t think an extra few days a week would be an issue, but realized very quickly how much more it cost with groceries and sports activities. During this time, my daughter was a senior and my son a freshman in high school, and both of them are highly active in sports, scouts, school and the community. I wasn’t taking these things away from them, so we continued going about our days; also senior year is quite expensive. I am the only driver for four people so my schedule revolves around my family, and as a result, I had to change my schedule at work. We only have one vehicle because we can’t afford another right now, so my daughter is unable to drive the vehicle she picked out for herself.
In March of 24 I became a part time caretaker for my grandmother, having to change my schedule again. In June, I became a full time caretaker of my grandmother because she suffered a nasty fall down the stairs, fracturing and breaking multiple bones, she couldn’t even get out of bed, so her care became 24/7. This meant having to change my schedule yet again, in which I started losing clients faster. Unfortunately, grandma passed in August which freed up my time, but the grief of losing one of my most important people took a toll on me.
Just recently I found out that my CPA mis-filed some taxes and I’ve had a lot of fees added on to an already strained bank account. I had to start using credit cards during my husband’s recovery, and my divorce came back to rear it’s ugly head again, as well. I’m fighting now to get the retirement money from my ex husband that I was owed, as well as more child support money as I only get $48 a week.
I know I have a beautiful life, and am very blessed in many ways. I also know I can bounce back from this, but the last time it took about 15 years and it was so hard to get everything to a good spot.
Asking for help is difficult for me because I’ve had to do it most of my life, and in opening my business, tried to build a life that we could be proud of. I’ve made sure we became the people who helped others, paying for their meals without them knowing, tipping well when we go out, helping a kid get food at sports events because they have no money, etc., thus teaching my children to give to others before themselves.
As I stated earlier, I know I can build myself up again, but I feel like I’m drowning, and it hurts. $10,000 would allow me to rectify the past due bills and taxes, $30,000 would get me completely out of debt, anything more would allow me to get a second vehicle so my 18 year old daughter can have the freedom to work and go where she needs to, but anything at all would be a blessing. I really appreciate whatever you’d be willing to help with, and look forward to the day when I can continue helping those in need and paying it all forward however I’m able.
To anyone who is willing or able to help, I appreciate you so very much. You are the blessings of life that we hear so much about, and that I strive to be for others.
My PayPal link is
A Very Grateful Nurturer