hello, my name is kristy keller, ive always worked and raisedmy children as a single mother, i worked 22 yrs at a family owned business and unfortunately wasn’t able to get any benefits to help me after i was unable to work. i have applied to ssi and disability as a result of me not working do to my mental health disabilities, which have kept me in my house for the past 3 yrs unless i need to grocery shop or have doctor appointments. my health is also keeping me from work , my legs are’nt getting the proper oxogen and they are very painful and cant sit or stand too long, i broke my back at 16 yrs old and now those vertabres are out of place and also make it hard to stand or sit too long the pain i endure daily is awful and i get depressed because of it. i also have fibromyalga , ptsd from domestic abuse , depression, anxiety, bipolar disease, borderline personality disorder, severe anxiety, and now seem to have social anxiety as well . so the thing is i have applied for ssi and ssd 3 times n been denied but i have a legal aid attorney now who is gonna try n help me . i am on a program called gateways catholic charities funded , paying my rent as of now but doesn’t last forever . the problem is that i have no cash on hand and my gas and electric are about to be shut off, i also use a nebulizer so need the electric . i have a past bill that they tagged on to my new bill, that was from like 1992 when i was raising my children with a balance of over 2,000.00 dollarsĀ and then my previous bill so about a total of 3,000.00 dollars. ive put enough in to social security through out the yrs that they should be helping me , but…..so im asking for some help to pay this n keep it on until my disability gets accepted. i would like to thank all who read this for showing some interest and have a blessed day, thank you. my cash app account isĀ $kristyremii607