Hi, I’ve never been on the asking side before since I always been giving when I had the opportunities to do so (thus why I’m in debt) and I’m not sure how to ask for help. I’m 21 years old and can’t see the end of it…here’s my story :
I’ve always been the shy and silent type of person, not popular nor unpopular, from a Christian family, I was educated with great values such as helping those who are in need. Since I first started working at the age of 14 I always gave money to my relatives/parents to help and support them financially, of course it’s a bit sad when all your friends are getting scooters or when they travel for the holidays while you work and don’t get to keep the money you make to yourself, but I never felt jealousy towards them since I was very happy about the fact of helping people that I hold dear and cherish.
Fast forward a few years, until recently. I found what I thought was the girl of my life (to be completely honest I still wish she was), I never felt that way with any girls before since I’ve always been independent, but the way her smile made my heart melt every times I looked at it, only hearing her voice had the power of calming my stress and thoughts and make my day so much better…didn’t intended have teary eyes while writing this haha, but yeah, she truly was my world, sadly we stopped seeing each other and I’ve never been that devastated. That not being the main subject, I’ve taken my expenses and debt to another level during that time, including a 12,000$ personal loan in order to help my best friend and my close ones and about 40,000$ in car loans/debts since I always had an excellent credit score, I took this under my name because we wanted to buy a car with that said girl (I had a previous car loan but sold it to buy the new one, thus why the amount being this high). The payments were limit, but doable with 2 salaries since we don’t earn much, but that not the case anymore…
I’m left with about 52,000$ CAD in debts, I lost the woman that I loved the most, I just feel so alone and don’t see the end of it, I don’t want to lose everything that I’ve work this hard for…I know it’s not easy to be happy, but I’m trying, I’m also trying to be as independent as I can be but not reluctant to ask for help when I think I really need it.
What are my plans after that ?
I intend on clearing my debts as much as I can so that I become more mind-free and try to start my own business which is my dream, probably in Car detailing since car esthetic is my passion.
I intend to take some time to myself in order to heal properly from my wounds before giving my heart to someone new.
I want to start living in the present moment instead of over-thinking and stressing about the future or the past, thus why I’ll do whatever I can and take advantage of my twenties to give my all and accomplish my dreams and goals.
I’d first like to thank you for reading my story and if you see your younger self in me or would like to help a young guy to get back on his feet and give him a second chance so that he can accomplish so much more in life without making the same errors twice, it would mean the world to me you have no idea.
Thank you, god bless you.