Served in Iraq, Afghanistan and Desert Storm and then served in Army National Guard for my country in California, Oregon and Washington as a 88 Mike Heavy Wheel mechanic in all state related emergencies(earthquakes, fires, floods ect… Been diagnosed with PTSD, sleep apnea, nightmare disorder and dream anxiety. I love my country and I love to serve. I just don’t know how to ask for help. I grind my teeth at night and don’t know why. My Dentist tells me I’m a grinder and that I hold everything inside. I agree I don’t like say anything to anyone. I keep everything inside. I just want my smile back. I love my country and am so grateful that I was able to what I could do for her. Honorably discharged as a Master sergeant with honors and letters for service, so I did my country proud. I am just a soldier that loves our country and I am going through other thing also but don’t want to go into the weeds. I guess all I want for Christmas is some teeth so I am in not in so much pain physically and mentally.
My PayPal account is
Sincerely and respectfully
Master Sergent Johnson