I’d like to start this off by thanking anyone willing to take the time to read my story whether you end up donating or not. But of course, I can’t thank the people who decide to help enough for there donations. And I’d like to especially give praise to God for giving me the strength to make it through my time in active addiction and showing me the people in my life that are and always will be there for me as I slowly try to put my life back together piece by piece.
My name is Jeremy and I’ll be 41 years old this upcoming January. For the past 6 years I’ve been fighting a no win battle with my addiction to Heroin. I, like so many others around the US, found myself completely addicted to opioids after having 3 ACL, MCL, and PCL surgeries. After being on the same medications for nearly 3 years, my doctor decided to retire and told me that he was cutting me off, cold turkey, bc he was getting heavy scrutiny from his superiors about having people still on opioids after you retires. So just like that he made a decision that would forever, change my life. Now I’m not going to go into all the horrible things that came about after that decision was made, but I will say that I found myself injecting Heroin after only 18 days, and for the next 6 years, I never looked back. That drug took me to some really dark places, ruining several relationships and put a huge wedge between my 2 kids and I that eventually tore me away from them for years to follow. Which was more painful then I can even describe bc prior to that I prided myself on being a stellar father.
But this is not a story of my hardships but rather a success story, if you can believe that. Bc 1 year, 2 months and 14 days ago, I made a decision that enough was enough and started making plans to finally quit, before I become another statistic, like so many others. However, I knew that if I didn’t leave the area that I was in and move completely away from anybody and everybody that I knew in active addiction or friends that I had done drugs with in the past that I would never get off of it because misery loves company and nobody wants to see their friend suffer from sickness. So I knew it was too readily available for me to find anywhere I wanted so I decided to move up to Michigan with another recovering addict that had been cleaned for a couple years or so. I’ll tell you that I met on the streets while I was inactive addiction some years ago. So I packed up all my things kiss my loved ones goodbye and moved. And for the next two months I laid in bed and felt like I was going to die. When I finally did wake up out of my haze, I found myself hardly even recognizing who I had become and realizing that I had to make a lot of changes and say a lot of apologies to a lot of people that I’ve hurt along the way. And I’m slowly doing just that. And I can say successfully and proudly that I’ve been clean for that amount of time and I finally moved back to North Carolina about 4 months ago and have remain clean and stayed away from my past drug affiliates. The only thing I can’t seem to get away from is amir. What I mean by that is every time I look in the mirror I see my teeth are completely gone I have one tooth in my head and I’m constantly seeing family members that I haven’t seen in years and people that mean something to me and it’s a constant reminder that the last 6 years of my life have been meaningless and it’s hard to look at. I can barely eat but most importantly I’m embarrassed by it and I can’t wait to fix it so that I can forget that time in my life or at least try to forget it. So I’m asking anybody that can help to please do so, because I’ve been told by the dentist that is going to cost me right at 11,000 to get my teeth fixed. And I really don’t want to smile for my son after these long years away with one tooth and have him not recognize who I am. So I’d appreciate anybody’s help that can and understand if you can’t that’s okay too. So please keep me in your prayers and know that i appreciate anything you can do. Oh and wish me luck in my continued sobriety. Thank you to everyone.