I don’t know where to begin with this request really. I’ll start by saying that I’m 39 years old and now clean and sober. I battled addiction for a lot of years and then finally grew up and got over it. I used to have a business with my father and I got in some trouble and if forced us to shut the business down and because of the stress my dad had a stroke. I have been rebuilding our relationship and for almost 4 years I worked three jobs. During that time I helped cover my parents expenses like rent, vehicle costs, Etc. During this time I was dating a female that to my dismay was not honest or loyal. I caught her cheating on me numerous times and asked her to admit her disloyalty. She refused and it upset her that I had caught her more than once. Little did I know she was taking every piece of information and situation that she could to slowly sabotage my life. I had saved for years and years and searched high and low far and wide for my dream car. A 2000 B5 Audi S4. After finding one that I was pleased with I purchased it and took exceptionally great care of his car. It is my baby. Well after my own personal custom alterations with the car performance upgrade parts and slowly on its way to becoming an award-winning showstopper. I leave a friend’s house one night get in the car and begin heading home when I come to my first stop sign and notice that not only do I have any breaks but I have no clutch pressure either. What was the reason for this? Well my ex-girlfriend (the cheater) had cut my brake lines on the car. My break and clutch fluids run on the same master cylinder so since the clutch had been blood dry it also caused my first second and fourth gears to seize in the transmission. I knew that the repair was going to be costly however I wasn’t aware of how much until I got an estimate. It’s a $3,000 fix to get this thing back on the road. I didn’t have that much money so in a pinch I purchased another car for Fairly cheap. However that car ended up being a nightmare. Problem after problem until one day I was unaware that my tags were expired 3 days past the renew date. The car got impounded and I was no longer able to make it to work and one by one I was fired from my jobs. Now my parents are struggling again as am I also. Where is my dream car now? It’s sitting in my birth mom’s backyard and slowly sinking into the ground because time is getting the best of both of us. Having no transportation and living in a trailer I’m losing hope in life and Ever Getting that car back on the road again. I don’t know what to do and it’s come to a point where I need to get it out of my mom’s backyard and if I can’t get it running it’s probably going to go to a junkyard. I need help with this in the worst way because I simply just don’t know what to do anymore. The police will do nothing about my ex-girlfriend and the constant sabotaging she has done on my possessions my vehicles and my life in general. Why won’t the police do anything about it? Well because coincidentally her parents were also cops in this town and she gets away with so many things it’s infuriating. So I have sat day after day month after month Furious about these things but it’s gotten to a point where even though I’ve never asked for help in my life I have to reach out to see what can happen and hopefully turn this around for me. If anybody can help you have no idea how much I want this car back on the road again and how incredibly it’s going to lift my hopes and Spirits about life. Thank you for listening to all this and contact me if any help is available thank you.