Hello everybody I hope your day is going well. recently got into a car accident where it took out a big chunk of my car. This is my first car and my first ever accident I’m asking for your help because I’m struggling greatly financially and I need help fixing my car which is my main transport to work and school. As many may know being a college student isn’t cheap or easy just taking two Spanish courses over the summer cost me $1,000 out of pocket I am currently a 20-year-old student (21 next month) at UCF which is located in Orlando, Florida. I mentioned this because it’s an hour away from where I live in Melbourne, Florida. Now with no car, I’m unable to attend my classes in person which is putting me behind. I stay in Melbourne, Florida to help take care of my family. I am doing the best I can with little to no overtime my job is paying me, but I only get paid minimum wage and get paid every two weeks. This is not enough to help me support my family, pay my own bills, and save to have my car fixed in good time. Also now due to my insurance not providing me with a rental car, I have no way to visit my God niece Dakota, born on October 6th of this month, who is currently at Orlando Regional Medical Center. The labor was over 30 hours until they finally decided to do a C-section soon. After it was found that she was born with holes in her heart, They are waiting to see if she will heal on her own but no changes have been made. They will/might have to do surgery on her and I would very much like to be there if it happens. Unfortunately with no car, I won’t be able to make the trip up there. My insurance deductible is $2,000 which is really hard to gather at this time especially with Christmas being around the corner. So I ask you kindly to help me raise the money to fix my car that gets me to and from work to be able to work and earn money to barely support me and my family and take me to school where I can further my education and hopes of completing my dream of becoming a dentist since the 6th grade. Any money is greatly appreciated. I am trying to find a way to upload pictures of my car and of baby Dakota, but this is my first time using this site so I’m a little lost. Hopefully, I find a way because she is just too cute, but if not I apologize. Thank you for your time and consideration. This is the link to my cashapp for any donation you’d like to make: https://cash.app/$MegR2002