This is probably the hardest thing I have ever done. I have learned to be humble and know when to ask for help and for me this is that time. I am a 47 year old widowed father into Covid I had done well kept my bills paid even had a successful business. I successfully raised my 3 children to adulthood and proudly saw them all graduate with honors. I am a proud person by nature I believe in working hard for what you want and paying your own way. Sadly after the pandemic my life took a step downward turn. I was laid off from my job and lived in a small town so work prospects were non existent for a long time. I struggled to keep my home and pay my bills but sadly my investments and savings only carried us so far. Luckily I was able to see my youngest graduate and leave home before I lost everything but it was just barely. I was forced to sell off all my belongings for a fraction of their worth until I only had my trusty truck and clothes. For the first time I was homeless and nearly without hope. Living my son had a room for me but it was 400 miles away so I packed up and set off with my dwindling bank account and what little hope I had left. I didn’t make it 50 miles and my transmission blew on my truck I used everything I had left to get a haul a and a tow bar. I pulled my truck to my new home but I was left penniless. My truck will cost about $3500 to fix. Usually this wouldn’t be an issue but sadly like many others my savings are gone my investments also all gone. I’m drowning on debt caused by my loss of employment from covid then the extremely long amount of time it took for the small town I lived in to come back to life afterwards. It’s unrealistic to believe all my problems will be solved from this but I’m hopeful that maybe God or the universe however you want to look at it will find a way to bless me. I believe in paying it forward and have done my best to live by that but now I find myself being the one hoping beyond hope that someone will find it in their heart to help me. My transmission would cost$3500 my debt has become a staggering 50k but honestly if I could just get my truck back on the road i can work and start working on everything else. That being said anything would be helpful. Thank you for reading this and if you find it in your heart to bless me with any amount I can say with 100% certainty your blessing will be paid forward to another when I am back on my feet. Thank you and God bless you and if you’re going thru it like I am know this to shall pass it might pass like a kidney stone but it will pass. Don’t lose hope!
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