Hello, I’m Joni I am a wife of an amazing man and mom of two boys. Our youngest son was born with only pinkie fingers on both hands and only pinkie toes on his feet. My husband has been suffering from a brain tumor for about the last 9 months or so, that being said I am currently the sole provider for our family-I drive for a living and my entire front end has gone out, as you can imagine this is a huge problem for us! We have just moved to Mississippi last month and man oh man is life just giving it to us! I’m stuck in a catch 22 can’t work without my vehicle can’t fix my vehicle without working 😠so here I am begging for help the mechanic stated it would be around $3,500.00 at which point he might as well have told me a million dollars because I can’t make that happen and we really have no family or know anyone to even ask for help. If you’ve made it this far I appreciate and thank you and if you can find it in your heart to help that would be amazing and I would even be willing to pay you back.