Hello. My name is eric torrance johnson. Ive just turned 31 years of age. Ive recently lost my job. The love of my life is pregnant with or first child. The expected due date is October 10 2024. Ive received my last paycheck Friday March 15th 2024. Im very worried about how im going to be able to support my family.so I’ve decided to take my last paycheck and invest it into starting business with the money instead of spending it and when its all gone we have nonthing. I fear the worst but just like the love of my life she refuses to let me call it quits. Good men never give up and never stops trying to do whats right. Theres no excuses! Im extremely grateful to have such a lovely, loving and caring woman in my life. I will not let her or our child down.
My plan is to start a business a Family business which we can profit from as well as pervide ways to help other people that have extraordinary dreams that they would love to bring it to reality!
I have not been sleeping much because of whats on my mind and on my heart. I now spin as much of my time possible educating myself, learning, and planning for the best possible future that I can provide for all of us. Ive learned to saty away from negative people and family that has allways downgraded me and her.I realize that I need to surround myself by the people that have extraordinary goals that they are trying to accomplish. opposites have unknown ways of attraction, but similarities Band together for a very specific reason causing a greater chance for success.
Business email: Ejohnson@oeservicelogic.ceo
Filing name:
OE’s A+ service&logic LLC
Every little bit counts for something so yes im always humble And open to any suggestions and ideas. I do not know everything about life nor do i have all the answers.I’m learning as I keep living!