Hello, Thank you right now for reading this and giving me your precious time. I am literally in tears right now, the gratitude that I feel right now is overwhelming. I started an LLC to finally make my dreams come true of creating video games for kids, most importantly my kids. I got to see them play my game in the early stages and fight over getting a turn to play the game and who played first. they did that over me and it was such a great feeling, knowing I was doing that. During the process due to mental illness I was separated from my wife, haven’t seen my kids in years and I have suffered in multiple ways. She left me in the middle of Georgia and took the kids with her. All I had was a back pack with some clothes, my pillow and my laptop. I was able to contact my grandmother who was in Virginia and she was able to take me in. but after arriving I have had to take care of her. she is 70yrs old and needs me for every single aspect(cleaning everything in the house and after her, cooking every meal, taking care of bills in the town, handling the yard and making sure her medicine is up). I am 35 years old and I have a not great back(I got hurt working in a warehouse when I was younger), I use to weigh 260 pounds when I moved up here, but now weigh 170. A mix of depression, anxiety and a want to change my life made it drastic. I have tried to get as much as I can to get things done on a daily basis but continue to struggle and don’t have the capital to finish or make some offers for help to outsource some of the work. I have wanted to try and get other things started like starting a book on my story and I am pulled in all directions. I am trying to make changes so that there can be time to enjoy these years with someone who was special to me all the years before but the economy and health doesn’t seem to get better. I want to do as much as I can but I cant renew my LLC, Start a new Venture in digital age, or make changes. I want to and would appreciate any help that would come my way. even a mentorship and life coach, therapist… I will take all help i can get. I love you, and thank you.
bbravohax@gmail.com – please if you can offer me guidance or advice, mentorship I would love any help I can get.
Thank You again, you wonderful people