It was the year of Woodstock; 1969 and I was 10 years old when my family purchased a small farm. A few years later Major Stephens from across the road sold us another 10 acres which we would develop as a Christmas tree farm. The trees that never sold remain today as a pine forest. This is the backdrop for the demonstration Affordable Cabin I will build so buyers can visit and enjoy deluxe downsized cabin living before they order their own cabin from us. But before we build… recently reported entry home prices nationally in the $200k-350k range. Affordable Cabins is targeted to be nearly half this price. One or two bedroom units with a kitchen, bath, full length screened front porch and rear deck. Our market is broad: Seniors who have had the castle home and no longer want the maintenance work. Students who can graduate with equity and roommate rental income. And first time buyers who want their own investment at a price they can manage.
We will cul-de sac 9 homes onto one acre. A reduced footprint means lower price and maintenance. With our property management services no chores need fall upon the owners. I have spent my life doing this sort of property management. I became a Commercial Property Manager over apartment complexes, office and warehouse space as a career after completing a Bachelor in Business Administration. I worked my way thru college swinging a hammer in summer and waiting tables by night. I got my start helping to build the house that sits across the road with my fathers workshop in the basement. And several others after that. Today I tinker in that shop maintaining mowers and chain saws, refinishing furniture, and mostly wondering what to do with all my father’s old junk.
I take pride in how many people my project can help. I am also proud I can invite you to join me knowing you are not digging me out of a hole, you are building on a solid foundation.
My need is for seed funding to consult with an architect and attorney and soils engineer to validate and create a Limited Partnership proposal. Once created I will distribute an Opt In link on social media using ChatGPT, I will reply to any of you expressing interest, and I will use traditional networking.
1 @ $10,000. 100 @ $100. 1000 @ $10. All work.
I should explain I got laid off from my job a few months ago. It has been a great blessing for the summer break with my two college kids. But there is no discretionary spending to personally advance this project. With your support I will create a limited partnership proposal and circulate it to investors. This is the document that spells out all the details how the project will operate and is forecast to perform, and solicits investor participation. If you would like to consider being one of the project’s investors and receive a copy of the prospectus put .50 cents on the end of your gift to identify you as an interested party. I will reach back to you when the document is ready. Even more than your dollars I will covet your prayers and suggestions because I am far from a know it all; Please send your suggestions: . You already know where to send your prayers.
Finally I want to give public praise to Randall Melton, a disabled retired VET who was my tenant this past year. Randall was homeless and had no cash for rent due to the typical VA claim taking years to resolve. So he took a room in my house across the road and worked in the trees clearing vines, briers, and brush. I later introduced him to the National Center for Healthy Veterans and he was just accepted into their residential program. They are the reason all of us in this country are free today. Many thanks and blessings for reading and giving.