I am owned by an adorable 3 year old Italian Greyhound named Ruger. Ruger, unfortunately broke his leg a few weeks ago, on a Friday night. Leg breaks are quite common with this breed of dogs, but in over 20 years of owning Italian Greyhounds, I had never had one break it’s leg. My husband and I brought Ruger to the Emergency Vet at Cornell University. We paid them to stableize and cast his leg, then took him home with meds to keep him calm and pain free for the rest of the weekend. On the following Monday, I called Dr. Brown, a vet who specializes in Italian Greyhound leg breaks, and made Ruger an appointment for Tuesday morning. We drove the 9 hours to West Virginia to get Ruger the best possible care. Ruger had surgery the following day and a plate specifically made for tiny Italian Greyhound legs was placed to repair the break. He remains with Dr. Brown for his critical healing for four weeks. We will make the 9 hour trip again next week to pick Ruger up for the remainder of his recovery at home. We will then follow up with Ruger’s own vet here in NY. This has been a difficult expense beings that my husband and I are retired. Thank you in advance for any and all help. @usps047 is my Cashapp