Hello 👋 I’m trying to start a cattle company that I’ve named lazy creek cattle co. Based outta southern oh. Has been a dream of mine for lotta years I did start buying bottle calves 4 of them bottle feeding them ,well I raised to about a year old had to sell everything I owned due to the pandemic and to give me another year on the property I owned,since then I’ve got a forcloser letter giving me 30 days to leave my property so now I have a cabin and animals to move I need to move😕 I also need land now to trying get back started in this company I really am motivated to try this again my old lady also has a really big heart to save animals during this pandemic people don’t want these animals anymore she says because they are worried about them selfs so she started a kennel non profit well we ran outta funding and is now taking most of the money we have super hard to give up our animals thus me trying to start up a business to have cattle fund a dog kennel if anyone out there can help me start cattle co up i can take this to next level thanks for reading and God bless cash app muddy country pics of my racoon on there so u knw u have rite one