My name is Elena. I am a mom to 16 year old cat Coco and 7 year old pomeranian Penelope. Penelope has severe laxating patella case ( dislocation of the knee) and needs surgery ASAP. Her x- rays look terrible.The vet bills are high, i already paid just about $ 500 for x-rays, vet vists and pain meds. The surgery is $ 3500.00 total. She can t step on the left hind leg because her pain level is high. My cat’s health is deteriorating as well. My car was imponded because it was only 35 days paast due! I raised my children by myself . They now live with their spouces , however, not willing to help me. I have no family in this country, i come back from the border of Russia and Ukraine ( Donetsk). Because i support Ukraine, my family in the old country shut me out. Please, help.
Here is my PayPal link :
Thank you and God bless!