Dreams are fuels that keep us striving for those goals that will give us a sense of fulfillment, purpose and happiness. But some dreams are far more easily reached than others. Being a 54-year old honduran teacher, I persevered in my dream of becoming a home-owner: for decades, I yearned to live in my own place, instead of renting somebody else´s. I studied hard to complete a master´s degree and even a phd to aspire for a higher income and reach my life-long dream of moving into my own home.
I was so grateful when I was able to see my dream come true on December 2022, when I received the keys of my own house. After having been able to save the down-payment required for a bank loan-which I gladly paid in April 2022-I patiently waited during 8 months for the house to be built. Finally, on December 24, 2022, the house was ready. I was so thrilled! I was so excited! So grateful!
It is definitely a unique experience and a real milestone when one is able to receive the keys of your own place. I moved in and happily started creating those memories that I always dreamed of in a home I could call my own. I like my house and I enjoy being at home: cooking, cleaning, taking care of plants and friends and family in a place I call my own. But I guess life is never perfect…unfortunately, I was laid off work in August 2023, and since then, I have been looking for a job opportunity-but it is much too hard to be employed when you are a 54-year old woman. The positive side is that I had savings to allow me to pay for the mortgage during the last 8 months, as a safeguard to avoid a problem with the bank. Unfortunately, I have spent all my savings in paying the USD $ 1,350 monthly mortgage in the last 8 months to honor my bank debt and now I do not have more savings to cover the upcoming loan payments for May and next months.
I have dedicated long hours searching for options to make income through other alternative ways-in my musings, I have wondered if perhaps my cycle for a normal 7:00-to-5:00 pm job is over. I learned about Begging Money while watching a youtuber explain how to create income online. This raised my spirits and filled me up with hope, because I see the opportunity to raise money to pay for the mortgage for the next couple of months as I keep applying for a job opportunity while, at the same time, I work on a project to make some kind of online income.
I have evaluated my opportunities and I consider that I can publish books and poems in Amazon KDP, but unfortunately, I do not own a bank account in the United States-nor in Brazil or Mexico-which are the elegible latin countries that Amazon lists as elegible for authors to receive payments in personal bank accounts. None of the countries in Central America are in Amazon´s list of elegible bank accounts: this is certainly a terrible exclusion! Making the situation worse, I was astonished to learn that Amazon does not admit Paypal accounts for KDP publishers.
While this is the big challenge I am facing now to start working on a book to publish, I can wholeheartedly say that I have faith in being able to come up with an online income which will allow me to honor my house mortgage debt. I am honest: I confess that my biggest fear now is not being able to pay the mortgage on May 5th and on the next months, and I dread that the Bank will take my house away from me. At this point, this is the worst nightmare for me.
I have always worked very hard to achieve results in all the jobs I have had; I am used to walking the extra mile. This is why this cycle of unemployment has been very difficult for me. In my underdeveloped country, there is no such thing as unemployement insurence, nor is there any support from the government when one is unemployed. Nonetheless, I hold my hopes high and believe that I will be able to raise the mortgage payments for the next three months, according to my projections.
These are the reasons why I now appeal to your solidarity and kindness in this crucial moment of need. I very well know that when one sows, one will reap; I have lead my life under this principle and I have evidenced that when one gives, one receives. If I can raise USD $ 4,050 dollars or even more, I will be able to pay the bank mortgage fee in May, June and July. This will allow me time to work on a project for an online income, and once again, continue paying the mortgage in August and beyond.
I thank you in advance, as I ask the Lord to bless your heart and your life with all His goodness.
The Paypal link is as follows: paypal.me/FrommCea