Hello everyone,
My name is Kylie. I recently got out of a horrific domestic violent relationship which was physically, emotionally, financially and sexually violent. I am now a single mum to 3 boys, my youngest boy has a severe intellectual disability as well as epilepsy. I have some very bad mental health issues at the moment as well due to the past abuse I endured. We are struggling to live day by day and if this wasn’t enough to deal with, our beloved family dog passed away this morning, it was a huge shock, we just woke up and found him. I don’t have the money to even get someone to come and pick him up or help me with him and his remains. Not only that my youngest son has a birthday coming up in a few weeks and I can’t even bear to think about Christmas or my phone bill that are past due about to be cut off since I can barely afford food and petrol. I was a nurse and loved helping others but had to stop working after we left the abuse as I had nobody to look after my children while I was working and now I have no idea what to do. I am literally crying while typing this. I have never ever asked for money before and I feel so horrible for doing this right now but I don’t know what else to do. I feel like such a failure. If any kind souls out there would be able to help me out even a little, you have no idea how much I would appreciate it from the bottom of my heart and as soon as we are back on our feet I promise I will pay it forward. I wish my children didn’t have to deal with all this because they are such beautiful, caring boys with hearts of gold.
To anyone out there who might be able to help us out right now… THANK YOU and I owe you.
Please help me, help my kids.
Thank-you and I hope something amazing and beautiful happens to you all xxx
My paypal: paypal.me/immyjayde