Hello, I wanted to introduce myself and explain my situation. I am a single mother of three wonderful children. I got divorced when the children were very young. I have essentially raised my children alone. Their father has always been in the picture but not like a father should. He has always paid support, but not a penny more. For example, I paid for a vehicle for them to drive when they turned driving age. I paid for all insurance and gas in their vehicles. Every extra-curricular activity they were in I paid for the equipment and fees. My children are my life, I believe my sole purpose of being on earth is to raise them to the best of my ability. I will admit that I sometimes would spend money that I didn’t have, to get them the things they wanted and needed. I always felt like they should have the same life they would have had it we had stayed together, after all it’s not their fault we didn’t stay together. They are all older now and either starting the next phase in life or in college. I don’t think there has been one time in my 52 years that I have felt secure financially. I have a mortgage, credit card debt, personal loans, etc. I am used to living this way, pay check to pay check, not sure what my future holds. I am somewhat ok with not knowing because that is what I am used to and ultimately my own fault. With that said we have some very big events coming and I am struggling as to how to pay for these events. I have never asked for help from anyone and even as I am writing this I am second guessing my decisions. Mainly because I know there are people out there that can’t put food on the table or even come close to paying their bills. My oldest child is getting married and of course wants the wedding of her dreams. I’m not sure if any of you have checked into this but the average wedding costs 30,000.00. It is absurd how much everything costs. I am doing the best that I can to cover this wedding but I am not even close. Shockingly her father did give 2,000.00, but that is nothing to the final bill. At the same time I am paying for my youngest child’s college education. She is very smart and received a few scholarships but hardly and financial aid. Of course we fall into that middle category where I make too much for assistance but have no extra money to pay. I have attached a copy of the yearly college costs for my youngest child and a copy of the estimate for catering for my other child’s wedding. The catering is just one of many expenses, but I wanted you to see a sample. For obvious reasons I have blocked defining information. As stated before I have never asked for financial help from anyone, but these two events are very important and both of my children deserve these events. It is certainly not their fault that I was an irresponsible financial parent. Any help would be greatly appreciated and I promise if I can do so, someday I will pay if forward.
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