I will try to express in words how my family’s life has been turned upside down all because of a mentally ill person that made false accusations that turned into over $35,000 in legal fees and now 3 years of loss of career income for my spouse for a total loss of $250,000. This mentally ill person is known to the local and surrounding law enforcement community and yet, they continually allow him to make false accusations and wreak havoc on anyone that comes in contact with him. This person likely has schizophrenia and continually has episodes where he thinks people are “watching” him or trying to “threaten” his life. This person continues the pattern of destruction and continually gets arrested for repeated 911 calls, over 6 counts of stalking, theft and destruction of other people’s property. His family has walked away from this person because of the destruction that he has caused them in their own lives. It took us over a year to defend the legal charges and then over another year to clean up the legal mess that this person created. Yet there is no recourse against this person financially because they have nothing and will continue to have nothing for their future. We never seem to get over this financially loss of our savings and the career setback that this person has caused my spouse. My spouse lost his career, was unemployed for one year, then was able to find employment; however, not in his career field. At this time, I am asking for some help so that we can get back on our feet and not live payday to payday. We are both working a full-time job plus additional part time jobs, just to make everything on time. I am just exhausted emotionally and physically because of always having to worry “what is next”. We have been blessed that this person has moved to another city; however, we are always on the edge because of the events and the length of time it took to exonerate my spouse. We are a family of six and my family needs the financial security we once had and I am asking for some assistance.
Thank You paypal.me/justalittlehelp71