Who are we?
We are a Christian family of five. A wonderful husband, wife and three blessed children: two girls ages 10 and 5 and one boy age 8. My husband works and I became a stay home mom shortly before our first child was born. Since then we took the decision that I would remain at home, as our family expanded, to care for and school our children. We have been married for 11 years.
What is our situation?
At the time we got married my husband had a small business which I helped him to operate however, it became increasingly harder with the competitive landscape in our country, especially from the larger companies that oftentimes corner the market. Nevertheless we persevered and was able to start our family and made a small living off the business in those initial years.
While things were financially and emotionally difficult, we followed our conviction about how our children should be schooled, and simultaneously started on a journey writing books from which they would come to learn and love the word of Christ while learning and loving to read in a most exciting and enlightening way. Today we enjoy the benefit of seeing the results of this endeavor. However, we were only financially able to commercially publish one book and have had only 5 sales since (without making any profit). The small business went into a state of dormancy. It became difficult for us to pay our rent and so we gave up the residency and had to turn over some of our furniture which were bought when we just got married. Early 2019 we managed to secure a new rental home through one of the few friends we had and, since then, my husband became employed at the beginning of 2019 until the end of 2021 (after COVID his job was made redundant) and then again early 2023 to present.
Tragedy in the early years 2012-2018: Shortly after we got married, my husband’s father passed suddenly, then sometime shortly following his mother developed Alzheimer’s disease, to this day she is still in bed. On the other hand and during the same period, my brother died (within 4 months of learning) from cancer, then one year after my sister had a stroke and my aunt and grandfather also passed suddenly in short succession). The time was fast becoming overwhelmingly distressing, to say the least, on us both. Remember we also had very small children then, which both of us cared for while trying to run the business from home. Oh, and did I tell you, for some reason we had no support from both sides of the family, not even friends. Well thankfully, we were able to call on one or two friends…literally. I don’t know what would have happened if we did not have the Lord and each other to support in a way that maybe only we could understand.
At the end of 2018 when we had our third child it seemed the issues and all that was happening began taking a toll on the marriage and also my health. About six months after the birth, my health started to deteriorate but the doctors couldn’t say what. When I explained my home situation they say it had to do with anxiety. Anyway, I turned my face to the Lord and He led me to remain steadfast in the reading of the Word. After sometime, this was what turned around my health for the better. Thank you Jesus. For two years after my first child, I was weak a lot of the time and my energy level went up and down. It was difficult for me to care for the children and also teach them. Thankfully, my husband had started the first job after the business shut down and we were able to employ an unemployed neighbor to come in and help out with the children while my husband was away at work during the days. We also managed to secure a credit card which was used for the publishing of the book and to help out with food, as this was essential for all of us, but especially also for the development of my health.
We ended up leaving that home March 2023 because since my husband lost his job after COVID it eventually became difficult for us to pay our bills and were given notice. We sought temporary housing until he secured another job and then were able to move into this rental home where we are now. It was and has been so hard on my husband because everything has rested on him financially. He also has to come in from work and do so much around the house because sometimes it has been too much for me alone to manage. The children are a little older now and so they help out with the little they can. Since then I have gotten much stronger and these have been my strongest days yet. We are looking forward to even greater days. Thank Jesus! When it comes to our health, we rely on the Lord simply. We also do what we can at home for a healthy living however, do also make occasional visits to the doctor when we manage to put aside something.
As it relates to the fundamentals for life, we are barely able to cover rent, food and other basic bills each month with my husband’s salary and do seek the rare opportune occasions to purchase clothes and shoes for our children and ourselves. As a result, we have had to go without the other necessities essential for making life a little bit more liveable. When it comes to furniture, it has been very minimal since we previously had to give up most of our furniture to offset owed rent. For seats, we use foam to dine and for classes in the daytime. We have had one queen size bed since we got married which we have given to the children for all three of them to sleep on. My husband and I use a sponge on the floor. We have a washing machine which is rusting and so broken with a make shift covering at the top. We bought two, two-burner electric cook tops, both are broken and we are down to using only one of the burners from one of the cookers. Now meal prep takes up so much of our time. Our living room literally has a three by two tier cage which houses our children’s books and toys, two baskets with toys and plastic bags with personal items that we have not packed out since moving here, because we have no place for storage. The children use their foam puzzle pieces or small cushions for seats on the floor in the living room during play time. Our bedroom has the sponge on which we sleep and a small chest of drawer which my husband brought in the marriage. In our children’s room is the queen size bed on which they sleep and a small three tier container for their personal items. We have a small refrigerator that is partially rusting. Thank God we have a small dining table which my husband made approximately two years ago (as he learned some carpentry from his father while growing up). This table has meant so very much to our family as we dine, fellowship, watch different programs together here, do school with the children here and so much more. For seating at the table, over the past six years we have not sat on a proper chair or seat but rather used igloo, buckets and other types of make shift seats. The hardness has become unbearable for the children as they are challenged by cramping muscles as a result, even when we use foam or cushions on the top. Before this we had a little make shift table that could hardly accommodate the family and our needs. Last, December, we were able to purchase a new laptop when my husband received a bonus from his office. We decided to make this sacrifice as it was an investment in our children’s schooling and also because I had planned on getting a virtual job to help out with the finances. Getting a job did not work out even though I have sent out so many applications. Since then, I have decided to pursue two e commerce ventures of our own instead of doing work for someone else online. These ideas are in the beginning stages of research and product development. I will also be seeking funding in other places to implement these ideas. There is a loan clearing a credit card bill which we have been carrying since the publishing of our book, which is mostly cleared but currently in a state of delinquency. Lastly, our car. Hmm. Our 2002 car has been with us and served us through thick and thin. God has used it to keep us faithfully through our early marital years, through the birth of our children and even until now. However, it is on the verge of falling apart altogether, unless the Lord continues to faithfully hold it together. Recently, a friend bought us a replacement second hand engine which the mechanic told us would help to solve many of the issues it has been experiencing. While thankfully, it is still driving there are so many things that need fixing. I am sometimes worried that it is becoming somewhat unsafe for us to keep this vehicle, and especially take our family around in it. We have so many things that are broken and on the verge of falling apart but the Lord has held us together until now. We are tired of living in this state and this is the reason we are asking for your help with the total sum of US$126,810.00, as per the following breakdown:
How much is the cost of our wish list?
Outstanding Debt & Furniture & Appliances
Credit Card Debt US$1,300.00
1 Queen, 3 single beds and 3 small chest of drawers US$2,000.00
Electric Stove US$2,000.00
Washer/Dryer US$2,900.00
Living Room L Chair US$1,300.00
Window Curtains US$670.00
TV US$1,300.00
Office Table and Chair US$670.00
Centre Table and Centre Floor Mat US$670.00
Sub-Total US$12,810.00
SUV and Children Safety Seats US$47,000.00
New Sub-Total US$59,810.00
Down Payment on a Home US$67,000.00
Grand Total US$126,810.00
Why should you help us?
I have read through a few of the submissions and seen the vast array of dire needs of the people. My heart weeps. Our family, especially our beloved children, have lived for years without some very basic things that will make our lives more bearable or able to be endured. Our children never complain and they say, “Mommy everything will be OK. God is taking care of us. He is going to provide all we need.” They encourage my faith to always continue believing. I want to do this, especially for them. We are a family that desire to help others. Our desire has always been to be so blessed that we can also be a mighty blessing to others. Your support and kindness to us will go a very far way in first helping our family to finally begin to live a life we have only dreamed of thus far. We will be able to focus on putting our energies in our new upcoming ventures where we will now be able to become a source of strength and help to people who also need it.
The simple but essential necessities we have lived without for so long, but now require, are no longer a luxury in our eyes but requirements for our life. The distress is sometimes very overwhelming and very often takes a toll on our health. As we ask for your help, we are simply relying favour to fall upon our family and not for anything we have done or can ever do to deserve this. The knowledge of this opportunity you offer has brought so much hope into our hearts and has brought to us a confident expectation of good in our future.
When do we need help?
Within the next three months of this submission.
How will we use the help we have received?
We plan to use the money for the very purposes it is being requested.
So what if you choose to help us and what is next?
You will not regret making this life changing investment in this family as our dream, aspirations and goals are to bring much needed change to our lives first and then to the lives of many suffering people in this world. Your investment will not only be for us but our children and their children, and for the lives of many and for generations to come. We have two new business ventures on the brink of pursuing in order to make the change permanent for us and our children, and hopefully for others along the way. We know that your help will put our lives on the path of needed change that will only make the difference for us.
Thank you for this very thoughtful life giving and life changing outreach to others. Had it been composed any differently, I might not have been able to take advantage of the help. You are truly God-sent and we pray for your health and life to be always so very blessed.
Paypal account: https://www.paypal.me/theonewhoJesusloves