Singing has been my dream since I was a child and all I’ve ever wanted was a chance to live my dream and obtain a major label recording contract and have a successful career in mainstream music . Singing is my passion my dream and in 2017 I got casted to go on Showtime at the Apollo and I thought finally but things didn’t turn out the way I thought and I got booed for the first time ever in my life . Now living in New York three years Im having hard time getting extra income to support my dream and and any income I do receive it goes to bills and maintaining my day to day life . Sometimes I hop the subway because I am not able to pay . 10,000 dollars would help my a lot I can get a electric scooter to get around . Get back in the studio to record promote my YouTube channel to increase my subscribers and also work with this guy who can connect me with a major label recording contract . . If you bless me with this chance I would be so thankful . I’m just a singer who really wants a chance at success.