2022 completely drained me financially and in so many other ways.
February 2022- my husband had a hard time recovering from COVID. He passed out and has a seizure at work in February during this time and couldn’t work fora few months. My brother was arrested at the DMV for getting angry the same day my husband had the medical emergency. My mom called to tell me as I was following the ambulance to the hospital with my husband. My husband was still testing positive for COVID so I couldn’t stay with him. I went to my brother’s house to let his dogs out and feed them since he had been arrested. When I arrived I almost broke down completely. My brothers house looked like something from the TV show hoarders. What’s worse is that it was actually my mom’s house. She was letting him stay there before she moved and hadn’t sold that house yet. His poor dogs were living in filth. Months old food, Pepsi cans stacked everywhere, trash piled up to the ceiling in some areas. I took the dogs back to my house. He got out the next day, but I quickly realized he was not ok. He had struggled with opioid addiction in the past and had been on methadone for years. I think he took too much and then ran out and was having withdrawals because he was in a state of psychosis. He was talking about demons and God and believed he was being sent visions of a past life or multiple past lives. My husband was released the next day, but struggled physically and cognitively for months after. I was afraid to tell my mom about her house and my brother. She had also struggled with psychosis in recent years. We now know it was because of withdrawals from pain pills after having a knee replacement. My brother got worse so I found a friend and we drove overnight to get him in a hospital near my mom. Once he was admitted I drove home to focus on my husband. Over time I noticed my husband got more and more depressed. He started drinking more she more. He was so used to being busy and working that it was literally killing him to stay home.
March 2022- I found a company to help clean up my mom’s house. She asked my husband to remodel the house so she could sell it. We spent a lot of time over the summer working on it.
July 2022-However, like my brother, she also went into psychosis due to stopping pain pills suddenly after being on them for months. She became paranoid and suspicious of me. She started believing I was a witch and had special powers. She thought my husband was actively trying to kill her. I don’t know if you have ever tried to get someone admitted for this type of thing but it isn’t easy. It didn’t matter that she was seeing & hearing things that weren’t there or went weeks without AC in 100+ degree weather. Sometimes if your lucky you can get them to go to the hospital and then you can get them admitted by signing an affidavit but even that didn’t always work. It’s sad to think about all the other times that similar things had happened with her where I had to learn how the system works the hard way.
July 2022- my mom ends up in a psych unit after enough situations with her neighbors calling the police. Thank God she was in a city and not the rural areas where I live. Just three years before, a similar situation happened after her first knee surgery and she often became violent with me because she believed I was a witch. Any time I called the police they just wanted to arrest someone and it was so scary. Luckily this time they brought a social worker and took her to a hospital. She spent 21 days there.
August 2022- my husband was still dating with depression. He was working, but took a big loss with having to stop remodeling my mom’s house. And he started drinking more. My brother was more lucid than he had been but he was still talking crazy sometimes and with my mom and husband down I just started to struggle myself. I work full time but bills add up quick. My main goal became keeping my teenage daughter from going down with all of the stress. My husband went in for a medical detox but signed himself out after a day.
September 2022- my husband was starting to do better with the drinking but work was slow to non existent. We had started building a house before all of this happened but the delay in money and time left us living in a camper longer than expected. I took out a few personal loans to help temporarily.
October 2022- we moved into the garage/shop area of the house because we had enough finished to make it work.
November 2022- it was expensive to heat the shop. I had a $900 electric bill. My mom had started to do better but it’s always rough reconnecting after an incident life that cause her memories are clouded Ave even if she didn’t think I was a witch anymore, I could tell she got weird feelings sometimes. Plus my husband was still extremely depressed about the situation because she took so much out on him while she was sick, and I didn’t want him to go back down again.
December 2022- I realized my husband’s construction account hadn’t been paid and started working to pay it off in addition to the personal loan payments and other bills piling up.
January 2022- the rear axel breaks on my car. $2000 repair. I tried to sell our camper since we are in the house for the most part, but we are upside down in it and will have to continue making monthly payments. My credit is officially in the tank from maxed out credit cards and unpaid medical bills.
So, basically I’ve dug myself into a financial hole this year and I’m struggling to see the light. I’ve done everything I can to help my family but I’m just drained. I don’t feel like I can even begin to focus on myself out my daughter because I keep getting pulled down further financially. I’m not a fan of asking for money, but I really need help digging myself out of this.